tofu salmon fillets – hot for food

These tofu salmon fillets are a fantastic new way to prepare and serve tofu! If you’ve turned your nose up at tofu in the past, honestly, it’s just because you haven’t made it right!

tofu salmon fillets

The recipe for these tofu salmon fillets comes to you from my friend Richard Makin’s (@schoolnightvegan) cookbook! He’s one of the most talented vegan creators on the internet and he’s a hilarious and kind man as well. You’ll be so impressed with the recipes in this cookbook! He let me make this recipe for my YouTube channel and blog to share with you. If you want to see what else he’s got cookin’ be sure to browse his blog that’s full of recipes as well.

School Night Vegan cookbookSchool Night Vegan cookbook

School Night Vegan‘s debut cookbook, Anything You Can Cook, I Can Cook Vegan contains over 100 unique and impressive recipes for plant-based comfort foods like Beefless Bourguignon, One Pot Shitake Ramen, Chicken Parmesan Tenders, and Smoky Squash Arancini. There are also tips on stocking a plant-powered pantry and a recipe-finder quiz that will help you figure out what to make for dinner, a party, or yourself!

Before we get started on the written recipe, check out the video tutorial I made below which is helpful to watch before you dive in!

Here are some helpful tips for getting these tofu salmon fillets right the first time!

  1. I would use firm tofu but in the water-packed container, as opposed to the vacuum-packed version. It will be a little softer and more flakey I think.
  2. Definitely marinate the tofu for as long as you can. I found the recommended 1 hour wasn’t long enough to get the color to change inside the tofu fillets.
  3. I would make the nori and rice paper piece one-third longer than the fillets because it shrinks quite a bit once you fry it—which you can see in my photos!
  4. Instead of potato starch, you can substitute it for cornstarch. It will have the same crisping effect!

The way School Night Vegan serves these tofu salmon fillets is on a hearty beet and lentil salad. It looks so pretty in the cookbook, and a smart way to use the beets you’ll buy for the marinade! But for simplicity I just made some rice to accompany them. There’s also this recipe from Nora Cooks. Her version of vegan salmon looks scrumptious with a lemon dill sauce!

crispy tofu salmon filletscrispy tofu salmon fillets
vegan salmonvegan salmon

tofu salmon fillets

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