CAN’T STOP THE FEELING! (from DreamWorks Animation’s “TROLLS”) (Official Video)

  1. Whenever this songs plays i just can't stop dancing hehe>_<

  2. This is the best song i ever heard❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. is that Piper Rockelle’s ex Lev Cameron at 4:23 💀

  4. Truly one of the greatest talents of this generation Keep dancing my friend!

  5. ひらめきあるんだよ、ひらむきぬひらむきぬすこううんがある、あるんだあ、つきむらっくるきるくるうたなね、うたにの、くるなむぬようにの、ふくぬ、てくるにの、たよっきてくろんだぁりすをうてぬるぬりつぬよっきつく9、きもち、たかく、たけ、むっさあ、くるは、ぁらくむつ、えに、つうすなよえかえがさうけうな、かえを、みせつおくるだよ、らすめ、は、よるきぶだわぁ、すけんで、すうしつぬえてれ😅

  6. Big fan for life thank you for making jr high and high school the best time a 90’s kid could possibly have ❤

  7. People in 2024 visiting old songs 😅

  8. Trolls…trolls…trolls por todos lados…

  9. I love this song, if it plays anywhere I may be, I start dancing! And I’m a grandma.

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