Greg Valentine – Why Rhythm & Blues Tag Team w/ Honky Tonk Man Didn’t Last in WWF

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  2. I always LOVED watching Greg Valentine. Great wrestler. There’s a reason that this man is a legend.

  3. I love his take on Hitman, because he is dead on with it.

  4. Rhythm and blues I wish they could have done a little more But they had a lot of big teams back Then I mean you got the hammer and the greatest intercontinental champion in the history of the WWF The Is hunky tongue man Every Saturday morning we would watch wrestlingAnd then me and my brothers would wrestle in the living Room I am still front room wrestling Heavyweight champion of the world

  5. Valentine was always over in the WWF … even at Wrestlemania 7 the crowd popped when he came out.
    Hitman had a move set…

    Inverted Atomic Drop
    Side Leg Sweep
    Elbow off the 2nd turnbuckle
    fake out 10 punch off the turnbuckle

    getting all those off is like a 8 to 10 minute match = easy money

  6. Honky tonk man Greg Valentine & Jimmy Hart was a great team. When I was a kid I just liked watching them. Yes there was Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Brutus Beefcake but I liked Rhythm & Blues & Million Dollar man w/ Virgil back then.

  7. Greg The Hammer Valentine is a great wrestler. His dad Johnny Valentine was great too.God rest his soul.

  8. Imo, anyone who disliked "Rhythm & Blues" as a tag team didn't really watch WWF back then. They may have been heels, but they were so fun to watch, especially when they got their asses beat, lol. Honky Tonk Man was such an amazing villain. He had such a big mouth and he knew exactly how to turn WWF fans against him, and he loved it! HTM is the best villain in WWE/WWF history after Andre The Giant and The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase. There have been some great heels over the years, but those 3 cannot be topped in my opinion. Not to mention that they were so good as Villains that HTM and MDM never once switched sides like most heels do at some point.
    An honorable mention I'd like to add here is Jake The Snake Roberts. As a villain his calm and quiet demeanor had seriously creepy vibes to it. Every time he did an interview, as a kid, I would be creeped out.

  9. Once Hogan became Champion guys like Valentine were done at singles wrestlers in WWF until Hogan was gone.

    By the time Bret Hart became Champion Valentine was too old.

    Now had Bret become champion in 1980, 1982? Valentine would have been right with him as far as a top program goes because Greg could really work, respected the business, and was pretty much a badass on the mic with his straight shooting opinions without yelling and screaming.

    They used to say Superstar Billy Graham came along 10 years too early, by the time Bret Hart was champion that was 10 years too late for guys like Valentine who were around in the late-70s early '80s at their peak

  10. I thought Bobby the brain was the weasel…

  11. Looks like he is taking a polygraph test.

  12. At 2:38 " it's just hair" meanwhile Jimmy Hart has had major hair implants done. You can see the plugs on Jimmy Hart's scalp.

  13. im always like listen all thoses legends

  14. Valentine's fued with Tito Santana was the highlight of his time in the WWF. Good worker with a nasty disposition. "The Hammer" is one of the greats.

  15. 1972, Canandaigua NY, freshman football practice is over and we are walking down the hallway of the high school to the locker room. There is a wrestling show in the gym that night. I'm not going but coming down the hallway in the opposite direction is the Hammer, although he was wrestling as one of the Fargo Brothers back then. They both said hello to us as we passed. I've always remembered seeing him there.

  16. Greg in 2000 looks pretty much the same as Greg in his 2021 interviews !

  17. I think Vince bringing in Nasty Boys is what Valentine is remembering.

  18. They should have held the tag titles 3 times.hammer and honkytonk#1

  19. Rhythm and Blues was stupid. It was only done to keep Honky Tonk going. Kudos to Greg for trying but it was a stupid gimmick for him who was always portrayed as a tough guy "The Hammer." Honky Tonk was not a tough guy. He wasn't even a good wrestler.

  20. Bret Harts work was the same every time – unlike Hogan?

  21. I've banged so many girls that look like him

  22. Just say it Bret Hart was and still is a Jealous, Whiney a$$ B!tch Boy. Complaining about Everything All the Time. Why ge Never wanted to Leave Vince. Since back in the day Vince Jr. Got stuck with them all from buying out His Dad Stu Hart

  23. OMG I just realized this is what Dolph Ziggler will look like when he's older.

  24. He looks like mama from the goonies

  25. Greg is totally cool. I’ve always idolized him.

  26. Hammer got screwed over which is a damn shame because, in my opinion, he definitely contributed to the success of the WWE during his run. Greg was a big deal during that time period.

  27. they were fairly over.  but the belts surely could have helped R n B.  and during that time frame, there were so many hot tag teams that the belts could have made any of them.

  28. Power & Glory also had their push nixed

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