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Tags: 80s rock90s rockbee geesElton JohnEric Claptonlionel richielove songsMichael Boltonold songsphil collinsrockrock balladsrock ballads 70s 80s 90srock musicrock playlistrock songsrod stewartsoftsoft musicsoft rocksoft rock 70s 80s 90ssoft rock 80ssoft rock 90ssoft rock ballads 70s 80s 90ssoft rock love songsSoft Rock Memoriessoft rock musicsoft rock playlistsoft rock songssoft songsoft songs
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Corrine Bypass
Raymundo Causeway
Doyle Point
is this the Original singer?
Music and musicians were always my passion and favorite people!!!
I always feel that god visiting my house!? When I can listen to my favorite music and musicians m
I always feel that god visiting my house!? When I can listen to my favorite music and musicians
To all those who left these beautiful messages, tonight I needed to hear it and you were all here…thank you for being such beautiful humans and may you be as blessed as you have made me tonight. Love and peace ❤
La he escuchado tantas veces, pero es una versión mágica que no se puede perder. La melodía nutre tu alma, por eso no puedes evitar escucharla". Cualquiera que esté escuchando, por favor, dame un pulga
Que delícia ouvir música de ótima qualidade, fãs renascer ❤❤
Sept 25 2024❤😊
Expect many miracles. It is a time in which GOD will show his love, peace and justice. Many will see his hand moving now and will believe in HIM and in HIS SON JESUS CHRIST, and then they whose eyes are opened will be brought home by GOD'S grace and Love.
To all of you. You are my brothers and sisters in my eyes to what GOD says. May you all be blessed with all that you need in any way you may need it.
To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the over thinking, and the doubt exit your mind right now. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. Amen🙏🙏
Lindas canções ❤
Its my memoriez when my husband still alive ,, now almost 5 years he died and this album is always stay with me and can make me smile with all memories we have..
I love you all so much from south Africa ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤…..
Me encanta esta música gracias por compartir los amo ❤❤❤😊
Everything and all of you
What a beautiful miusic i love every song thanks for
سنوات التمانينات سنوات من دهب بلحنها واداءها الجميل لثلة من مطربين ومطربات من الطراز الذهبي العالي ….كبرنا ونحن صغار انداك وكنا مع دالك متمتعين بالا لحان والاداء الجميل ….للاسف لن تعود تلك السنوات الجميلة الى الوجود ولا اناسها. سنفتقدها كما سنفتقدهم للاسف.😢😢
Williams Donna Robinson Paul Williams John
Jackson Barbara Walker Ruth Harris William
Miller Betty Lewis Cynthia Johnson Eric
This songs have and will remain my best 💖. It only gets better with time.
I’m 42 and i appreciate it as well
Jones Angela Lopez David Johnson Michael
Lagunya bapak gua nigh😊
huh…. nostalgic n evergreen… period…
Listening 🎧 from Namibia, quite interesting, Saturday vibes 🎉
❤❤❤ gracias 🫂 por compartir 👌 saludos desde México lindo
To everyone reading this, I hope your struggles ease and your worries fade. May clarity replace confusion, and may peace and calm fill your life.❤💖
Am at peace now,,i got some healing after listening to this playlist