Memorial Day 2018

In Tribute, with Honor and Respect, to all our branches of the USA Armed Forces, past and present. Thank you. God Bless our USA Veterans. Thank you for your service. To all of the USA veterans ...
In Tribute, with Honor and Respect, to all our branches of the USA Armed Forces, past and present. Thank you. God Bless our USA Veterans. Thank you for your service. To all of the USA veterans ...
Veterans Park, Hyannis, Massachusetts Posted by Colorado Sands on 2013-11-22 16:54:35 Tagged: , John F Kennedy , JFK , memorial , Hyannis , ...
Nov 22nd 1963 - Nov 22nd 2013 Posted by ana_lee_smith on 2013-11-22 19:21:00 Tagged: , jfk , john fitzgerald kennedy , tribute , 1963-2013 , 50 years later , explore , ana_lee_smith
Continuing with my Positive Flags of the Nations project. I live by the sea and enjoy it to the fullest it is beautiful, moody, calm and sometimes very rough. Its colours vary from blues ...
You're headed for heaven, The sweet old hereafter, And I've got one foot in the door. But before I can fly up, I've loose ends to tie up, Right here in The old therebefore. I'll be along When ...