Arkaden / Arcades, Cagliari (Sardegna) – Photo series “Cities, Art & Architecture in b/w”

Arkaden / Arcades, Cagliari (Sardegna) - Photo series

Die Arkaden an der Via Roma sind mit ihren Bars und Cafés eine ideale Flaniermeile – The arcades on Via Roma are an ideal promenade with their bars and cafes (Cagliari, Sardinia / Italy)

Posted by herbert@plagge on 2021-05-07 14:52:47

Tagged: , Stadt , Gebäude , Architektur , Straße , Arkaden , Cafés , Leute , schwarzweiß , Via Roma , Cagliari , Italien , Sardinien , Sardegna , Italy , Sardinia , arcades , street , people , cafes , city , architecture , buildings , black and white

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