Though I didn’t take this shot in New Orleans, Dawn Richard is from there so it feels right closing out my New Orleans week with this one. I can’t believe I have never posted it before because I enjoyed her set so much! What a dynamic performance! By the end of the three songs, I was in love and so sad I had to leave the photopit.
Her new album, Second Line is coming out very soon!
Also sometimes, I have seen her just go by DAWN and I think I’ve seen it with just a triangle for the A in case you see a poster for the new album like that.
**All photos are copyrighted**
Posted by kirstiecat on 2021-02-28 22:38:28
Tagged: , Dawn Richard , Second Line , Dawn , band , live , concert , music , festival , music festival , dynamic , woman , female , musician , dancer , dance , hair , braids , beautiful , gorgeous , blue , color , colour , moment , cinematic , Pitchfork , Pitchfork Music Festival , dance music