91/365 Challenge.
I finished seeing the series of netflix 13 reasons why, and really made me remember all the things I suffered as a teenager that by the way had already forgotten. He had forgotten what it felt like to be someone different, and to be rejected. I had forgotten to live in constant pain, because you did not belong to a group, etc. Now I find it a huge stupid. But at the time it was a terrible agony, it made me think of how small the world made me feel, and that I could do nothing to change it, that I was just another number. "If you survived adolescence, there is nothing I can do with you"
Termine de ver la serie de netflix 13 reasons why, y realmente me hizo acordar todas las cosas que sufria de adolescente que por cierto ya habia olvidado. Habia olvidado lo que se sentia ser alguien diferente, y ser rechazado. Habia olvidado vivir en constante dolor, porque no pertenecias a un grupo etc. Ahora me parece una estupides enorme. Pero en su momento era una terrible agonia, me hizo pensar en lo pequeña que me hacia sentir el mundo, y que no podia hacer nada para cambiarlo, que yo solo era un numero mas. "Si sobreviviste a la adolescencia, ya no hay nada que pueda contigo"
Posted by Kathy Chareun on 2017-04-23 03:52:26
Tagged: , 13 , reasons , why , season , temporada , autumn , otoño , leaf , hoja , alone , soledad , afraid , miedo , autorretrato , autoretrato , selfportrait , women , mujer , femme , female , girl , chica , fille , dress , vestido , sad , sadness , mad , teen , teenagers , adolescencia , adolescente , floor , piso , water , agua , netflix , color , colour , orange , yellow , amarillo , violeta , violet , purple , purpura