think in RED!
semifinal in klagenfurt. our local ice hockey team ( KAC ) made it to the final. so it’s time to post some pictures of the semifinal vs. linz. 4 in a row!! out of the best of seven series….. that’s cool I think. and today (2009-03-22) the finals starts here in klagenfurt. I’ll be there with my cam to get some powerful shots of the boy’s in red. keep your fingers crossed… the final opponent is salzburg’s red bull team…. well not easy but manageable
Posted by tine_stone on 2009-03-22 08:41:27
Tagged: , 3.spiel , B&W , Black Wings , Eishalle , Eishockey , Eislaufen , Erste Bank Liga , Game , Halbfinale , KAC , Klagenfurt , LINZ , Play Off , Spiel , Sport , tinefoto , icehockey , semifinal , hockey , 1st league