Lioness looking for food in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.
All rights reserved. © Thomas Retterath 2019
Posted by Thomas Retterath on 2020-05-31 11:28:36
Tagged: , 2019 , Safari , No people , Natur , Nature , Okavango Delta , Botswana , Africa , Afrika , Kwara , Rudel , Lycaon Pictus , African Wild Dog , Afrikanischer Wildhund , Canidae , Raubtiere , Predator , Carnivore , Säugetier , Mammals , Animals , Tiere , Pack , Running Wild , Puppies , Welpe , Rote Liste , Endangered Species , Gefährdete Tierart , Red List , Motion Blur , Panning , Bewegungsunschärfe , Wildlife , coth5 , s5 , NGC