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A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
Every action in this world will bear a consequence
If you wade around forever, you will surely drown
I see what’s going down.
Face down in the dirt
She said,This doesn’t hurt
She said, I finally had enough …
Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Every time a new year comes around people make resolutions. The need for a significant reason for new beginnings; Loose weight, diet, get in shape, be nicer, etc. I agree, these are all good things to aim for in your life; ways to better yourself and evolve. Yet I feel like they are lacking for me again this year, as they always have in the past. I need more, each year passes and I always fail to choose one and I think it’s because I simply never found the right resolution for myself. After reading these books, I finally have …
My resolution is to stand for something, to stand for myself. To shift my own inner powers and take control in ways I never dared to before.
So here’s a picture of a Mockingjay; the symbol of hope, revolution, and a better future. Because these are the only things I wish for myself and those I love. To spread hope, start a self-revolution and create a better world for myself.
So here’s to new beginnings, have a safe and happy New Year everyone. Thank you to everyone and anyone who supported me in any way.
{Here starts my Hunger Games conceptual series}
Posted by KendraMillerPhotography on 2011-12-31 20:36:01
Tagged: , hunger , games , mockingjay , pin , book , series , concept , new , beginnings , suzanne , collins , trilogy , hunger games , years , resolution , new years