1. This one made me somewhat emotional cause it made me realise I'm about to start my 4th Pam year and I've never felt better, fitter, more active and I've never eaten healthier. Starting those beginner workout plans in 2021, not once had I thought that I'd end up doing 60 minutes ones without passing away 😂 and I THANK YOU

  2. Yeaaaaahhh, party mood on a casual thursday! Love this workout 💖💃

  3. Wouuuuuhhh j'adore !!!! Merci !

  4. The best way to start this day 🤩 Thank you Pam! Hope, you get well soon ❤️ Happy New Year to everyone 😍🙏❤️🎉

  5. Super workout but had to do it on silent mode because of all the beeps – WHY??? Is it the song that is like that? I looked through the comments and can’t believe no one else is bothered. Why the beeps?? I just don’t get it!

  6. i dont like exercising much but this makes me feel soooo happy. it is so fun! thank you!!! Hope i can get back in shape

  7. Ich liebe das Work Out ❤ und das Outfit. Wo gibt es so tolle Oberteile die so schön glänzen?

  8. This has become my favourite video in all your vids. It is so easy to follow and not tiring at all.

  9. Wow, that didn’t even feel like 10 minutes

  10. I totally freaked out when the song I live it came 😅

  11. This was such a fun workout. I love the dance moves and the energy. I started Pam‘s workouts earlier this year and have been hooked ever since. Now I’m challenging myself to move from beginner level to medium level and dedicating 6 to 8 weeks on Pam’s medium level workout from her app. these are such motivating videos and I am enjoying myself immensely.

  12. Thank u🥺💗 this rly gave me lifeee❤

  13. It's so pity there is the only 1 like to push😭😭😭Amazing!🥰

  14. No matter my mood this workout always cheer me up, I really enjoy to dance with you Pam!! Thanks a lot ❤

  15. I've been doing this workout for 2 weeks and for someone that is not allowed to go out alone, it helps me to stay fit and not feel so floppy all the time. I see nice changes on my body and i feel proud of me after the workout :3

  16. Muhtesem bir kadin mujtesem bir yetenek ve muhtesem bir kalp ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  17. i underestimated saying this was only 10 mins it cant be that hard IM DEAD IM DRENCHED IM COVERED IN SWEAT

  18. Girl you just get me 😭 thank you Pam!!!!! I used to think workouts were hard work n they kinda are but you SOMEHOW make it fun at the same time 🥺 ily for that. Life changer fr

  19. Was smiling through the whole workout, imagining that I'm in the club 😀 The more I do this workout, the more I love it <3

  20. You're amazing!My body unlocked

  21. The music is soooo motivating! I love it💕

  22. THIS IS SOOOO FUN!!! there’s nothing i like more than ur dance workouts!! lurve lurve!!

  23. Das macht so viel Spaaaaaaß hihi

  24. Absolutely LOVED it!!!😍 Powerful, fun, quick, efficient, awesome! 🤩Thank you!💖

  25. Yeeesssss Icona Pop ❤ I love your workouts Pam

  26. Pandicurry nicht essen.
    krumme Nase Hayat.
    7Tage Sareswati gefastet.

  27. Thanks gorgeous that was some session hah!!!!❤❤❤🙏🏻😌

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