1. Clearly English is not your first language. Therefore you shouldn’t speed up your videos because it makes them very hard to understand. Your videos are great but I struggle trying to understand what you’re saying

  2. i have both ableton and reason and to be honest it wasnt worth making the switch. reason sucks because it doesnt have basic functionality like for instance scale mode, but in ableton i hate how warping is implemented ( and never works out well, and the lack of having decent pitch editing )

  3. I’ve received the free basic version for buying gear a few times. Ableton won’t load. It’s one of those times when a plug-in etc does a dead- end, and Ableton consistently does that each time. I don’t know how anyone succeeds in getting this.

  4. Dude your contact would be really good if u stopped sounding like getting choked

  5. Those three reasons apply to Bitwig even more. The grid is arguably better than Max for Live because it's built in and it's incredibly flexible and is oversampled, so it sounds very good. In fact, all Bitwig devices are oversampled. Bitwig is arguably a better sound-design environment. And, it has session view (which I never use 😏). But Live still has the advantage of a lot more producers and a lot more videos and tutorials. Bitwig is catching up, though. Thanks.

  6. I expected the workflow. I love FL studio but I see in Ableton you can increase the workflow. It's easier, even sample select lol. But FL studio is fine. I also have logic and there it is the same, only it's Mac only lol

  7. How come everybody is talking about Bitwig in this post, as if it's planned

  8. Session view is not unique for Ableton.

  9. Sry….But Bitwig….for Synth Soundesign modulation you never will look back…..I use it since Live 4 ….
    In Bitwig I miss only Warpmarkers ,groovepool, and snapshot and ableton Push 2 …
    but this is fixed in a year…..

  10. Er, actually, bitwig has a loop view that is at least as powerful as Live's. Bitwig has extremely powerful modulation, way beyond what Live offers; sound design is Bitwig's killer "app." Bitwig has the grid, which is extremely powerful and user-friendly compared to Max for Live. People just don't know about bitwig.

  11. I wish I could take FL Studio piano roll into Ableton Live, it’s the only thing that makes me put up with FL
    BTW does Ableton offer better performance than FL on weaker computers? bc FL tends to choke up way sooner than Logic Pro X with the same workload

  12. 1 Million + Reason FL STUDIO is so popular : Just press F1 When on FL😏

  13. i`m still a Reason lover 😉 since 15 years 😉

  14. Switched yesterday from fl studio because of your short, thought about it for a long time but this made me do it🤷🏻‍♂️🙏🏻
    Thank you for all your work and help, i watch your videos for a long time now even if i used fl studio, i really appreciate you and i wish you the best for 2023😇

  15. So this is an elaborate advertisement?

  16. Whoa that background music towards the end reminds of that Night Verses track called No Moon.

  17. logic has the first one, you can make stuff with loops and then record to regions of midi or audio. only did that once so far so my memory is a bit rusty on that.

  18. FL more popular among edm youtube Creators…. Such as Ultrasonic , Vories , Memphy , Natex etc

  19. I like ableton cause its like my day job in after effects… And i like than with stock pluging you can achieve so much

  20. Don’t forget the ability to have racks!

  21. I mean, being made by an electronic music producer probably helps too. Thanks Robert Henke aka Monolake

  22. Its a very cheap daw
    Try to add a mono or dual mono track
    You add 10 plugins and your cpu goes in red🙈🤣

  23. whats the song played at the start?

  24. Switched to bitwig one year ago because of some deficiencies like the modulation latency problem and i couldn’t be happier

  25. Excluding max4life fl Studio does all the same things…

  26. Cubase for me tried others always come back to Cubase

  27. Bitwig is ableton on steroids

  28. switched from Logic and never looked back. Much more intuitive and a quicker learning curve and workflow.

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