1. Hi Jamey, another great lesson! I am starting to focus on improving my blues rhythm guitar skills as I agree it's a very essential skill that I need to build. You have some great examples of what seem to be familiar rhythms I have heard before. It's one thing to learn a list of these rhythms but will be forgotten if not practically used regularly. Are you able to provide some names of songs that are based on these rhythms so we can build the songs as part of our repertoire?

  2. hi…like your delta blues at 11.29

  3. Outstanding lesson! Thanks, Jamey

  4. Great Video! Can you explain more deeply why you can play all these chord voicings over an A7? If you're supposed to play A7, why is it ok or in what context is playing a bm7 or cdim ok?

  5. Great lesson. Blues rhythm playing is underestimated.. 😉🎸

  6. Great lesson!!!!! Many years ago I was trying to impress my guitar hero and mentor Tonk Edwards (played with many jazz greats in the 60s/70s) with my soloing. Of course I was overplaying and probably sounded horrible anyway. When i was done, he looked at me and said “Michael, nobody gives a shit if you can solo”

    It took me many years to understand what he was saying but man was he right! I needed to learn the role and responsibility of a guitarist.

  7. There isn’t enough of these lessons out there imo. Great lesson. I’ve played guitar for 25 years now and it sadly took me at least 17 of those years to realize how much more time I should have spent on rhythm playing instead of going straight to lead after a year of playing.

    I was looking for advanced blues rhythm guitar and found this, there really isn’t a ton out there. Thanks for the lesson brother

  8. Great lesson, and nice black binding on that guitar

  9. At a fairly young age I learned that rhythm was the real grail of guitar. Who was my mentor? Jimi Hendrix, one of the all time greats of rhythm guitar. The drums, if they could follow his time, would swing so hard, one could forget they were basically listening to two players. To this day, my band is guitar, drums, and singer, allowing the space for a deadly groove.

  10. One of the top Blues rhythm videos on the internet. Hands down. Thank you.

  11. Amazing lesson. You're able to insert just the right amount of theory into the lesson without losing the flow. Kudos Jamey!

  12. This lesson made me an instant subscriber. I hope more of your lessons are like this. Great job!

  13. Really good stuff! Perfect for the sounds I'm trying to learn.

    For the Example 3 turnaround, right after the E7#9 "Jimi Hendrix" chord, I throw in the same F# – A figure, and the resulting large minor 9 interval (G – F# – A) is very pleasing to the ear. Makes me, like, sound like I actually know what I'm doing. So friggin' bluesy… I can't even.

  14. Oh no, not another boring twelve bar blues video

  15. Jamey, YT algorithms pushed your channel into my feed this morning, and your lessons are very clear and succinct. Very much appreciated, and subscribed

  16. Thanks Jamey, I've been watching blues players doing this for years, not really being able to see what they were doing. Now you've made it plain to see, thanks mate, you've done a great job!

  17. Great lesson! Just one question: how did you know you were playing in time to the backing track in example one (at about 1.53 minutes) without counting? I can do this along to a shuffle backing track but I really don't know if I'm hitting the 'and' of two or not. I might just be hitting the three for all I can tell

  18. What a fantastic lesson! Thank you.

  19. I feel like this is the video I've spent years trying to find

  20. Wow just discovered you. Thanks for this

  21. Great job dude! So tasteful! Thx!

  22. Thanks, man! That "busy shuffle" is my new favorite thing 😎

  23. Great lesson! And now the practice and patience lol! The last one is a tongue, make that finger twister for me.

  24. wow! excellent! cogent and tight. great explanations. I was just listening in the car and now I have to practice as soon as I get to work.

  25. Great lesson! Pretty guitar!

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