1. Really good, like everything You play. Thank You!

  2. Damn son, save some ladies for the rest of us.

  3. Brilliant playing in an excellent lesson.

  4. Brilliant playing in an excellent lesson.

  5. This seriously caught my ear! Great tone and feel there mate 👍🏻👌🏻

  6. Beautiful playing with great feeling to it, thankyou for the lesson and tab

  7. Gosh! THAT turnaround lick! ❤ Well done Andy! More power to you! 💪

  8. Great vid playing and sound and tabs😊

  9. Excellent playing and sound great vid and tabs😊

  10. Sounds more like an Albert King track.

  11. Cool… Thank you for the tab…

  12. Та-да-да, та-да-дам! Та-да-да, та-да-дам! Та-да-да, та-да-дам!

    It's the darkest hour
    Of the darkest night
    It’s a million miles
    From the morning light

    Can't get no sleep
    Don't know what to do
    I’ve got those midnight blues

  13. That helped ..thanks.. that strat with the humbucker…yippy

  14. Blues is sacred music of a people who suffered greatly as slaves in New found land.

  15. The talent and control you have is impeccable, I'm going to practice this every day. Thanks for the share

  16. Good tonality, I play it at 75% to feel it.

  17. An amazing tribute. Quite literally took my breath away in spots. Kind of eerie.

  18. That speaks to me, Andy! Cool… Thanks.

  19. U killed that brother ! Thanks

  20. *he was born in Mississippi, 1924. 🎸 👏

  21. You can call him what you want, I call him King of The Blues 👑💙

  22. Love the tone and blues feel

  23. OK, after a couple of vids…I'm convinced…so I've subscribed…owww….
    Cool, this is what I like now…owww…T'anks, Andy, Man!!!

  24. Omggg..tears dropping.. Jaws opening

  25. Andy! I love your blues solo examples especially when you follow with the rhythm section so first I improvise to the solo then I try to repeat on the rhythm. Great for learning to play your own solos.

  26. Не сложный,но красивый.То что я люблю.Спасибо.

  27. It was while trying to play this song 30yrs ago that I first bent to pitch.

  28. Thanks to you and to mister Peter Green. 🙂

  29. can you upload samba pati cover with tabs

  30. Maestro le note oltre le tab come possiamo averle? grazie

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