1. I know this is old, but maybe you'll read it anyway. I'm like a lot of folks who frankly played the electric guitar first because it's easier to play. But after many moons, we realize we can't play anything. Yea, we know the boxes and 12 bar blues but we can't impress our friends and hopeful bedmates. Boom, boom, boom is the rare exception. If you could put together a practical (as in "wow, that dude makes my foot tap') blues song course of say 10 songs, I for one would pay $100.

  2. keep your friends and buy a looper when no one is around😜

  3. You are my new coolest guitar player on t'internet. Hope you're happy with your new accolade! Ya lessons are ace too

  4. That was really cool man, Thank you! 🎸💫

  5. Thank you for making this so much fun to play,

  6. Hey man thanks I often use your lessons to help me with my own songs thanks for your hard work 👍

  7. its friday and my friends decided to hit some golf balls with out me and i was ironicly searching to learn blues . i guess im ready 🙆‍♂️

  8. Excellent lesson sir SEAN
    just imagine if today's children had teachers like you who make learning fun interesting and easy to teach mathematics and science, certainly many children will become scientists engineers doctors
    God bless you sir and your family.

  9. Yes, pain allows you to play the blues. Let this man sleep with your girlfriend and you will know pain and therefore play blues better.

  10. I like these rhythm and lead lessons. Very good content. Would like to see more on the same topic with more blues and other rock ideas.

  11. I am an old man…..but still love to learn…..thanks for this lesson, it was perfect for me. Do you ever do lessons on Lightning Hopkins style ?

  12. That was so cool – link saved to my 'Blues' doc for further intense scrutiny.

  13. This good stuff, I don't care what anybody says. I liiiike it, give me more.

  14. I never had any friends so i was more than prepared for this lesson.

  15. Cool vid! nice AX and playing

  16. Good sounding version Sean, but I'm a little confused about where you went after the B. Looks like you did an E fill followed by the A chords. Is that right, or am I just not keeping up?

  17. Perfectly explained to me. As a late starter on guitar (50 yo) I find many teachers assume stuff that you take time to explain and thanks. I get that feel and and variety of choices on interpretation is what makes the blues a unique style of music, but you got to know basic details beforehand.

  18. Great lesson! I'll be back to work on this one for sure!!

  19. Good explanation. Hit replay a lot. A lot of what i write and do is call and response chant music ( kirtan ). So the call and response on the guitar is an excellent idea. Thanks

  20. What part of Chicago? I am from the north side around Belmont and Kedzie. Left in '99 now in Naples Fl

  21. |—————–|——————————-|—————–|————————-|

  22. I loved your little about me…😂😂😂

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