1. The visual details are so endless & rapid fire, I could watch for years & never catch them all. It’s New Orleans encyclopedic. The Mardi Gras Indians get me every time. Someday I’m going to turn down the tunes and watch in slow motion – but I’m still addicted to the song, so I have to do it before it starts. 😂😂😂

  2. Some love for the backup dancers too

  3. Oh Phuhk YES! I nominate for song of the decade. Put this one up with Immabe and Nearer my God to thee.

  4. Nearly 100 years later, those depression era lawn chairs are still around. 😊

  5. I get some Andre 3000 vibe from this and him!

  6. I don’t know about you; but, I’m VIBIN’ BIG TIME…….DANCING……MMMM….MMMM….MMMM💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  7. Jon reminds me a little bit of JJ from “Good Times” who was always looking for his own kind of freedom! “Dinomite”! 😎💕🙏


  9. ¡Thanks YouTube for recommending this !

  10. You have unbelievable talent. ❤❤.

  11. Love this guy!!!!!! Spreads so much love and joy!!!!

  12. I found this because Harris Walz Campaign

  13. Fun Freedom at my feet dance to the beat😎

  14. this song is so joyful and the video is absolutely gorgeous!! thanks y'all🌈🦋

  15. i need jonbatiste and aurora collab. two freedom people, imagine that

  16. 3 years ago? How'd I not see this before? Love it! Had me dancing!

  17. I could watch this, literally, all day! Those ladies dancing are on FIRE! Such a great song!

  18. blud dropped this and dipped

  19. I saw Jon Batiste's concert earlier this year, and it was incredible! Amazing music!

  20. He’s some amazing combination of Elvis and Michael Jackson.

  21. I want to thank you very much for making a video that is not making everyone trashy and making it family friendly big shout outs to you

  22. We watched this music video In a piano class and had to write stuff about it, now on my playlist

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