Miss Hayden Leslie Panettiere, Fort Hood, Texas is The Home of The 2ND Armour Divisions "Hell On Wheels" Like The Forbidden Wheels on Bennett street and 5 Mile Rd. where I lived with Tina and we Partied with The Forbidden Wheels M/C DETROIT. TINA is now a RN and wheeled my Most Precious Mom at a Hospital in Garden City, Michigan. Tina & me are still in Love, However, Tina Married a Doctor and they have Children. Tina left her Nylon Panties and asked me to Wash our clothes Together with my own clothes. When I picked up my Mom in Mom's Wheelchair to take Home, Tina still Loved me. Honestly, I'm Neal Patrick Fry Legends Never Die
Little Miss Sunshine, I'll Always Love you Miss Hayden Panettiere. Hayden's GAY Pool boy could be in Danger Hell's Fire from Fort Hood, Texas if he continues to PÌSS me Off any More in my Destiny of you, Little Miss Sunshine. I'll Always Love you Miss Hayden Leslie Panettiere. Ask anyone in DETROIT, I'm Tattooed HIGH PRIEST, NEAL PATRICK FRY LEGENDS NEVER DIE
Un giorno verrò a Detroit……
Ohhhhh hell yeah! Got me one in 85. Lol
i love this song its heals my soul
same im a fan
When gene Simon
Fly in the air is insane .I love ki$$
Al estilo Josué Enriquez
A "Detroit song" for a mass audience, I never tire of it.
Classic driving song 1976 style
Still listening to this beautiful piece of music in London Ontario Canada 2024
I saw kiss in 1978 let that sink in!
This song is underrated
Mall cop brought me here ! now i learned english i figured out where this song is from
Love this song
I love this song
Dragons have many feets ez 1:25
Woulda coulda shoulda
2024 ,,making me feel like im 13
Im happy
Who cares

Smash bandits gang
Lol Kiss sucks
Miss Hayden Leslie Panettiere,
Fort Hood, Texas is The Home of The 2ND Armour Divisions "Hell On Wheels"
Like The Forbidden Wheels on
Bennett street and 5 Mile Rd.
where I lived with Tina and we
Partied with The Forbidden
TINA is now a RN and wheeled my Most Precious Mom at a
Hospital in Garden City, Michigan.
Tina & me are still in Love, However, Tina Married a Doctor and they have Children.
Tina left her Nylon Panties and
asked me to Wash our clothes
Together with my own clothes.
When I picked up my Mom in
Mom's Wheelchair to take Home, Tina still Loved me.
I'm Neal Patrick Fry
Legends Never Die
Little Miss Sunshine,
I'll Always Love you Miss
Hayden Panettiere.
Hayden's GAY Pool boy could be in Danger Hell's Fire from
Fort Hood, Texas if he continues to PÌSS me Off any
More in my Destiny of you,
Little Miss Sunshine.
I'll Always Love you Miss
Hayden Leslie Panettiere.
Ask anyone in DETROIT,
I'm Tattooed HIGH PRIEST,
Ooooooh yea

Hellfire Club
5 years old in 2000 rocking to kiss daily with mum in the Torana, brings back nostalgia
Не знаю был ли ты на "kiss",но это такой уровень,легенды…get down

I'm going through a few DAYS in my life, where it's been difficult… BUT When you listen to KISS. Joy Returns to My Soul