1. I remember on the last day of School in Elementary we had a dance party in the class room

  2. In 2011 I just spawned

    (Ik I am young)

  3. bro all the new songs ppl be making be so jus not fun back then tho was 10x better

  4. So so much better music than today's. In fact, even now these songs are played in most clubs. 1995-2015 gave the best of music and movies to the world.

  5. Nostalgia,única,pura y hermosa nostalgia.

  6. Almost all songs have in the game Just Dance.

  7. Brooooo, my best year ever in life😢

  8. You forgot to include one of the most important and greatest songs of this year "Somebody That I Used To Know" If I had to choose one to change I would choose "Rain Over Me"

  9. Party Rock Anthem won the 2011 number #2 music of the year on Billboard, the #1 was Rolling In The Deep. Both are incredible 🥰

  10. Eu estava com 13 para 14 anos, sou de 1997. 2009-2015 foram realmente anos incríveis do começo da minha adolescência e adiante😍sendo pra mim 2011 o melhor ano da minha vida até agora, foi tudo tão perfeito nesse ano, inclusive as músicas que foram hits atrás de hits, era impossível escolher apenas 1 como favorito hahah, a nostalgia bate forte relembrando 😍😍🥰🥰💙💙

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