So, there's real orchestra in real schools besides in movies??? U guys are blessed to have organized school systems. Never take your counties and parents for granted
Me too I just had a concert 6th grader I play cello it's awesome I'm in beginner strings too you should search for crossing pirates cove it great I fell in love when I listened
0:25 why the hand-clapping sound so robotic
So, there's real orchestra in real schools besides in movies???
U guys are blessed to have organized school systems. Never take your counties and parents for granted
We're about to play this in December
The clapping and stomping were a bit early but besides that it’s good. We’re also doing this song in my orchestra class.
Imma have a concert with this song in like 2 days the only part I know the good is the AAAA night D open D
Why she zoom into that girls face for mad long
My school is doing this in January. I can't wait
Wish my school had more cellos and violas
why is the camera person zooming into that girl's face?
I’m playing it too
I wish we had that many too
I wish my schools orchestra was that good
I’m doing this song in orchestra and we cannot transition from the clapping to the playing yet
Wish our school had this many orchestra players
Me too I just had a concert 6th grader I play cello it's awesome I'm in beginner strings too you should search for crossing pirates cove it great I fell in love when I listened
i played for honors orchestra 2
Playing this for honors orchestra