The beat, guitar riff, tuning and the lyrics make this a masterpiece. This song reminds me of my life and my big brother. We've been through it all together and seen some really really effed up stuff but we always had each others back. Side by side for 35 years and my brother has been a loner his whole life and solid af. The "I don't ** with my peers, never did and never will" sums him up once I really got why he was like that I started becoming more like that myself. I just kept getting thrown away, betrayed and played with but he always had my back. Shout out to my best friend and big bro Garrett.
I hate this pain me & my brother enduring bc a b*tch/b*tches insist on s*x trafficking us. But they don't know how much I'm willing to die & ride 4 myself & brother & anybody that can make heart feel tender
Just heard my pops rapping this shit and asked him was he rapping this…. The nigga said huh? "Huh?" To us means I hear you but don't care about wat you talking about
2024 who still here
Where they should’ve left the relationship 09/21/24

2024 still

Dis one of my favourite songs real talk he’s da best
Sister of love tia
I don't get along with my peers I'm at war with myself so f*** you and everybody else
One of my top 5 I will make music
with him soon

September 9th 2024
September 7 2024
I love yall
Collena Redcherries
2024 anybody

Who still listening in 2024
am at wat with myself
He’s at war with his appetite
You not the only insecure fat guy
What was the song at he end
I'm so hurt I have nowhere to go. Nobody to love me.
when I'm gone I hope they miss me. Sometimes it's the only way I feel like I'll be missed.
Love you
R.I.P Julio Foolio
1:34 1:35
Dis shii gas finna make a nigga teary eyed
"Ion get along wit my peers, at war wit myself so fuck yu n everybody else"

The beat, guitar riff, tuning and the lyrics make this a masterpiece. This song reminds me of my life and my big brother. We've been through it all together and seen some really really effed up stuff but we always had each others back. Side by side for 35 years and my brother has been a loner his whole life and solid af. The "I don't ** with my peers, never did and never will" sums him up once I really got why he was like that I started becoming more like that myself. I just kept getting thrown away, betrayed and played with but he always had my back. Shout out to my best friend and big bro Garrett.
im going to yo concert for my bday jit
2024 I’m sad asf
One of my favorite songs hell out here in this world watch ya back
I hate this pain me & my brother enduring bc a b*tch/b*tches insist on s*x trafficking us. But they don't know how much I'm willing to die & ride 4 myself & brother & anybody that can make heart feel tender
“ion fuck with my peers” I too don't cause they think they got all the smoke
#forever rodwave

Rod wave a living legend frl he a
no cap
what was the song at the end of
Been a fan so long he elevate every time this man always dropping
then seen every chapter he over came 
Need a backstory on this guy.. he speaks
Nobody realized that’s Julio foolio in the video at end?? 2:13
Son I'm so sorry I love you so much did not realize trying to keep you safe I hurt you instead
Just heard my pops rapping this shit and asked him was he rapping this…. The nigga said huh? "Huh?" To us means I hear you but don't care about wat you talking about