Okay so Selena was Billie Elish + Weeknd + Lana Dey Ray + Charlie XCX + Sabrina Carpenter + Ed Sheeran in the same album. Wow you are pretty versatile Selena <3
omfg yall can disagree with him but these comments are just childish. he didn't like an album, that doesn't mean he's a worthless failure of a human being LMAO
Oh my God! Your reaction to this album was awful. It’s completely obvious that you’ve never listened to Selena’s albums before, and in this video, you were just trying to link every song to another artist. When in reality, most of these songs were actually referencing songs Selena herself had made before. You were only looking for flaws and trying to give credit for anything good to other artists. Dislike.
Why is this dude acting like certain artists invented genres all these sounds have been done before Lana, Ed Sheeran, sabrina etc even Sabrina herself was always compared to Selena when she was starting up so make it make sense. Selena has done all these sounds already this is just her doing them again.
the constant comparison is kinda annoying just listen to the songs all music genres and sounds has been done before by someone in the past no one is inventing anything they just do it repetitively especially with cowboy that's so 2015 Selena good for you and fetish everyone was hating on Selena back then calling it whisper singing
you're just straight up hate watching and forcing it so bad , it made me cringe watching you like genuinely , there's a fine line between opinion and biased and you my friend are just hating. Also the irony of saying lana when selena has been making this type of music long before like good for you , hands to myself , fetish , wolves.
It feels like you‘re just doing this reaction to make fun of this Album and demontrate your initial opinion about them. Not really fun to watch tbh
Going report this account
idk i’m not a selena fan but i really enjoyed this album
Hater, he’s an amateur, obviously..who is he?
Okay so Selena was Billie Elish + Weeknd + Lana Dey Ray + Charlie XCX + Sabrina Carpenter + Ed Sheeran in the same album. Wow you are pretty versatile Selena <3
And who are you? Have you produced award winning music or something? Sit down boy.

omfg yall can disagree with him but these comments are just childish. he didn't like an album, that doesn't mean he's a worthless failure of a human being LMAO
Oh my God! Your reaction to this album was awful. It’s completely obvious that you’ve never listened to Selena’s albums before, and in this video, you were just trying to link every song to another artist. When in reality, most of these songs were actually referencing songs Selena herself had made before. You were only looking for flaws and trying to give credit for anything good to other artists. Dislike.
Why is this dude acting like certain artists invented genres
all these sounds have been done before Lana, Ed Sheeran, sabrina etc even Sabrina herself was always compared to Selena when she was starting up so make it make sense. Selena has done all these sounds already this is just her doing them again.
The best part of haters they always have something to say about selena, she is a big part of their sad life
You’re such a hater bro I noticed from the beginning. Lana Del Rey? For real? Have you ever heard fetish or good for you? Nah
Watch Emilia Perez. Your opinion about Selena’s Spanish vocals will change very quickly
Just say you're a jobless hater lol.

get a real job L
the constant comparison is kinda annoying just listen to the songs all music genres and sounds has been done before by someone in the past no one is inventing anything they just do it repetitively especially with cowboy that's so 2015 Selena good for you and fetish everyone was hating on Selena back then calling it whisper singing
you're just straight up hate watching and forcing it so bad , it made me cringe watching you like genuinely , there's a fine line between opinion and biased and you my friend are just hating. Also the irony of saying lana when selena has been making this type of music long before like good for you , hands to myself , fetish , wolves.
dude is just hating for the sake of hating… lame as hell
Wow why are the dating grow up. He's a man that values and respects a woman.
Are you on Justin and Haley’s payroll?
you are pathetic lol