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You play at the speed of light
riptide is weezer riff for ukulele
Over the rainbow, yes. Otherwise… ??? I don't agree.
La vie en rose
strumming pattern please
Eee tam… A "Daj mi trochę wiecej" Sobelka słyszał?
I need strumming pattern for the first one please help
His face!
George Formby the original ukelele guy, leaning on the lamp post and when I'm cleaning windows, classic songs
How do you know which songs are the 5 most popular? What is this based on?
Hey! Play Tiptoe Through The Tulips, and sing it in a falctto voice.
Not how you do i’m yours
Those are all 1-5-6-4 except for Old town Road ha ha – the axis of awesome
House of Gold by ~ Twenty Øne Piløts
I dont like it when people forget that
Riptide and over the rainbows are a classic and amzing do learn
High g or low g
Great job
Me waiting for toxic or another boywithuke song : . _.
6. Toxic Gossip Tra-
Omgggg I actually needed something like somewhere over the rainbow for my song!!!! Tysm this actually helped me out alot

Ahhhhh, I just got riptided on
Man looks 40 but sounds 18 LOL
What are the rhythms?
How are you able to fit your hands in the soprano ukulele?
I’m yours is over the rainbow
That is not how you play I’m yours
Strumming pattern for Riptide is DIFFICULT!
I fact that he thinks i could play like this

I can riptide in ukulele
Bruh I'm yours is the first song I could play on the uke that is not a nursery ryme
Lenny Kravitz " Always on the run"
Jimmi Hendrix " Purple haze"
10 years after " Love to change the world"
Stevie ray Vaughn " Crossfire"
Eddie Van Halen " Eruption"
The first one is a classic I love it
How hard do you hit the strings? I’m new at this and feel like I’m going to break the strings even when I don’t strum too hard. But sometimes my fingers get caught.
Me: There’s always a Rick roll
For such an expensive ukulele that sure sounds bad
This is so wholesome
When me and my class where learning ukulele we loved to play riptide
Bro riptide is my favorite song, I need a full tutorial for someone who has never touched an instrument in their life
I can't chuck
Bro how did you strumming without getting stuck between the string,how
For people who think riptide was inaccurate (bc it was) use Dm C F F with DD UDU for the strumming pattern
Top 5 Most Popular Filipino-lingual Folksongs on the Ukulele:
#1 – Tinikling
#2 – Bahay-kubo
#3 – Leron, Leron, Sinta
#4 – Pagtatanim
#5 – Aking Bituin
If you declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved Romans10:9,Repent and Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior before its too late,or there will be consequences.
BRO I'm just playing this with a 5 below ukulele

Riptide is a classic, I learned it in 3rd class when I was about 9 then stopped playing then last year I learned it again in music in 1st year and could still play it so technically I could play it for 6 years, because I can still play now.
What strings do you use? because mine sound like garbage even when completely tuned
Man looks like 50 but sounds like hes 20
This man looks like he bouta cry