1. You have to be aware that this occurred shortly after the death of her husband and brother, right? As emotional as the song is, she had song it hundreds of times before. It was the grief that pushed her emotion to another level.

  2. Jargon Dump.
    Descriptive and Succinct to the Nth Degree.

  3. So could it be a true thing to say we should live our lives in E Flat?

  4. I didnt even realize she lost 2 people very close to her before her show… no wonder she broke down. Incredible harmonies

  5. "Talk about America". Sounds like a great title for a (your) new youtube platform !

  6. Gee, I wonder what your Mother would say about Linda Ronstadt's Mable from Pirates of the Penzance?

  7. Good grief!!! 00:46 How about that as a line for testing the memory level of a French waiter at a Parisian restaurant!?
    French waiter: Monsieur, what would you like to drink?

    I'll have A dry martini.

    Oui monsieur.


    Oui monsieur?

    Put it through a modal mixture common tone enharmonic double chromatic mediant modulation, with three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet, shake it over ice, don't stir it for God's sakes, and then add a thin slice of lemon peel!… Please. 😊

    Second dude sitting there:

    My friend, bring me one as well, stirred, not shaken, and keep the lemon peel! 😘

    🤨 Oui monsieur. Off course. Coming right up monsieur!

    Waiter then walks off to the new bartender standing at the bar and tells him, "Monsieur Wick! I have 2 special orders for you!" 🤭

  8. Don Giovanni Leporello. Double Chromatic Median Modulation. Mummy Made Me Mash My m&ms.

  9. I always called that Celine's "giving birth" stance.

  10. I wasn't lost… Me only?… I hate sponsered content, too. 😂

    Adam, more than one self-described pop singer not only reads, but composes music fluently, and edits scores frequently as the composition develops .
    Now, the question– do most pop performers actually compose their creations using a written score?

  12. I started tearing up right when you said, “MODAL MIXTURE COMMON TONE ENHARMONIC DOUBLE CHROMATIC

  13. I heard it by coincidence on the radio on a night shift when I was driving Cap. And it blew me away, to be honest. I wasn't a fan or something. I listen to all genres if it's well done.. But that moment changed my mind about Celine Dion. She is unreal. Not a lot of singers can blow me away like she can. she is an outstanding talent. elegant key changer, yes.

  14. When I saw Celine have that moment on-stage, I really wanted to run up & just give her a huge hug.

  15. And let’s not forget the amazing pitch correction! 🎉

  16. She can't sing like that anymore

  17. 8:05 😮Is he even old enough to know he is or even remember him? 😂

  18. god… we cannot even just listen to music anymore…

  19. To this fella musician, shame on You for using Celine singing this very sad song at Caesers, and trying to equate how musical notes can affect a person's emotions.
    Seriously, shame on YOU!
    CELINE just lost the live of her life exactly 5wks prior. Of course, she would be feeling & expressing her loss outwardly. It had nothing to do with the modulation or pitch of the musical tone blah, blah, blah!!

    Like, maybe a scene in a movie, where the beat, tone, or music can enhance a HUMAN BEING 'S emotion.
    I see, this demonstrated in a majority of all Movies, padt silent films.

  20. Awesome analysis. Very insightful and thorough. Kudos! I still despise C flat, because it messes with my brain and my dyslexic thought patterns! For some reason I would much prefer to shift into B major and despite the just tone trepidations, adds to the sense of a shifting higher even on a common tone. And by the way, E-flat is not a high note! A B or hi-C, now those are high notes. Just saying… Great job

  21. The pink light is on your lovely hair

  22. Maybe to much high singing caused her others 🙁

  23. 23:42 watch the violinist in the background. Close to d'ions right fist … she knows whatsup. And this is my first time watching a music theory video. Well delivered. Subbed

  24. OMG fabulous- taken straight back to grade five theory and the wonder n joy of comprehension -after the initial puzzled panic had passed. ……. so subscribed 19:00

  25. Is this years into music theory studies, or am I just so intimidated or thick that my mind won't stop hearing things like E sharp and C flat, which I was taught didn't exist. Am I hearing this wrong?

  26. i disagree, for me the most effective and powerful key change in a song is I have nothing, sang by Witiney Houston.

  27. Paul McCartney slips almost imperceptible key changes into many of his songs. The fact that you don’t notice them until you try to play them yourself is the sign of real talent.

  28. I followed the theory, but it felt like an achievement. 😄

  29. Is is not HER classic power ballad. It is Eric Carmen's classic power ballad with a little help from Rachmaninoff. She took it and created her own version. Of course, well done to her. But Eric Carmen deserves the most recognition for giving the world this gift. 😎

  30. I watched this entire video and all I have to say is: the normanclature of music theory is just confusing as F ! People say there are 12 notes in an octave but that's only because the 12th note is the same as the first; but in actuality, it's also the first of the next. That's one F up if you ask me; the other is that out of the 11 notes that are actually different, only 7 of them are used as major scale intervals, again using the starting note at the end as well (which actually makes it only 6 differnt notes); snd then the rest of the theory is based on that set of intervals. No wonder few people have the patience to learn it all. I don't thnk there's many people who have a great enough attention span to watch this entire video withiout already knowing most of it already. I could barely stomach it myself. There has to be a better way to describe it all and by God I hope to find it before I die because this S of relating everything to one set of intervsals is for the F-ing birds; and for me that's the bottom line on it.

  31. A lot of good work went into the writing and production of this video. Yet one has to wonder about the many half truths and inaccuracies: Adam’s chord analysis of the chorus is at least partially nonsense. First, it’s a minor subdominant, “nostalgia note’ has nothing to do with it, and his third chorus chord is blatantly wrong. A d-minor is the Dominant in minor, not a IV chord over II. Looks like he gets the script from others, and simply reads other people’s (inaccurate) findings.

    Next, no one among serious composers uses the “nostalgia note” terminology, using this term obscures that it’s the minor subdominant that counts. In the right context nearly every interval can sound “nostalgic”. Then, no one calls a median double chromatic modulation. You don’t hear an enharmonic shift, you simply read it. Study with the http://www.functionalmusictraining.com, your local conservatory and learn composition.

  32. not sure how I got here, but this was damn fine.

  33. Wow. Fantastic channel. Subscribed. Great job!

  34. Modulation in Heart Will.Go On is pretty dramatic …and a neat trick

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