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Tags: 808s and heartbreakbestgold diggergraduationgreatesthip hopjamie foxxjesus walkskanyekanye westkim kardashianlate registrationmusicmy beautiful dark twisted fantasyproducerRaprapperrunawaysingersongsStrongerthe college dropoutyeezusyeezy
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I know none of his songs seriously but I know almost all songs of EmiNEM

gross list but it is hard to rank them because he is the greatest musician of all time and has the greatest discography of all time
bound 2 left the chat
most main stream top 10 list ive ever seen in my life bro
3. Everything I am
4. Family Business
5. Saint Palblo
Kanye sound like Snoop dogg in " through the wire "
It’s now 2024 and he’s made so many other albums with great songs. I know he’s a controversial person now but I would like to see another one of these videos now the vultures 1 is out.
Regurgitated uninspired garbage that appeals to simpletons.
Plus all the beats and tracks he wrote for jay z.. jayz wouldnt be where he is if kanye didnt write half his beats
power as an honorable mention is CRAZYYYY
My list
10. Bound 2
9. Jesus Walks
8. Can’t Tell Me Nothing
7. Flashing Lights
6. Diamonds from Sierra Leone
5. Power
4. Gold Digger
3. Black Skinhead
2. Runaway
1. Stronger
I hear him say he's the best of all time. Never knew him until he went crazy. And even, I didn't recognize any of his music.
Love lockdown wasn't even mentioned
pp poo poo
They all have the same melody
The guy is a total copy of P Diddy.
This isn’t music! This is just talking. He can’t sing!!
All of the lights is number 1 in my opinion but jesus walk is also a good song
Jesus walks is his best fr
Homecoming is so underrated
His artistry is the reason why in this case you can seperate the artist from the art
@11:00 1 of the top 10 song of all time! Runaway is the best, It explains i call the 5 d's of real life, that will happen 2 you in life or anyone's relationship #1 Dump,, defy, disappoint, disappear you (run away) or die! No one will ever know anyone one, and every one dies alone GL
Nah number one is “I wonder”
Good for nothing. Even Eminem and 50cent can eat him live.
Insane that this was made when the latest album from him was Yeezus. So much great songs are yet to come
This is a terrible list. Kanye has good songs and bad songs, half of these are bad songs.
I happened to see South Park's version of Kanye West and it's so hard not to laugh when I see him.
I CANNOT get into him due to how out of line and egotistical and offensive he is.
Only using songs out by the release of this video
1. I Wonder
2. Bound 2
3. Flashing Lights
4. All of The Lights
5. Jesus Walks
6. Barry Bonds
7. Crack Music
8. Heartless
9. Devil In A Dress
10. We Don’t Care
This list needs to be updated asap
Where is blood on the leaves?
im listening to this after his hitler era has begun but its fucking good so i can't stop it
Where is I Wonder?