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El acordeonista, un hombre muy culto
Simon you suck
The 2 cellos do it 10x better.

Hrvatski žiri bez malo živosti
WoW WoW very. very. interesting

Wish he did it without the singing would've been sick hearing it raw
خیلی قشنگ بود
Já me escrevi e deixei o like!!!
Little dude on the violin was a bit underwhelming…
17:30 Pet peeve: when "forward" violin players delibertely leave several hairs loose on their bow. Makes em look cool. Yeah, cool like the thug that wears his pants too low. I was on violin lesson number TWO when the teacher showed me how to make sure all hairs are correctly attached. You are not cool, you are lazy.
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Довольная, как слон. Эту музыканкту мы ещё услышим
Аж до 80-ых добралась. Спасибо папе, это выростит невероятный музыкант. Я не преставляю, как она на скрипке играет после бас-гитары.
Try kokuten, than lilium
Drummer was bad ass
Говно эта ваша музыка. Скоро кирдык вашей америке
لماذا تلقون باللوم على الوزير وهبي و هو يعترف داخل قبة البرلمان بأنه خطأ دماغي
فلما نسمع وزير يطلب سحب مجموعة من النقاط من محضر جلسة برلمانية علما أنه لم يستطيع الجواب عن تدخلات و تصريحات و أسألة السادة البرلمانيين إلا بفرضه وجهات نظر أحادية محاولا إثارة انتباه رئيس الجلسة.
ليس هكذا تناقش أمور الشعب للأسف الشديد.
The judge on the right is an asshole
The real life needs something different all time… Great…
최고의연주입니다!박수를드립니다 오늘도건강하고 행복한하루되시기를빕니다 평화를빕니다 좋은날되세요 감사합니다


What is the third music name?
What’s this song called? 3:40
Realiser le rêve de ce petit garçon c est bien mériter bravo
This is Indiana Sfair..
She's famous harmonica player. You can check her youtube..
Parents: You will learn a classical instrument!
Child: Me becoem rockstar! headbanging with Cello
The guy beating drums in freestyle