Want Killer Rhythm Chops Like Hendrix And The R&B Greats? Amazing Guitar Lesson With Kirk Fletcher

  1. Loving it lads, kirk is like a jazz legend, he must have forgotten more than I know lol

  2. I keep coming back to this. Great video!

  3. Kirk is one of a handful of great go-to side men. Reminds me of Robbie McIntosh. A real chameleon with the guitar.

  4. Shane, this is an outstanding video. Kirk has fantastic R&B chops.

  5. Kirk should be a lot more well known. GREAT lesson. Thank you

  6. great lesson… I love real music. no distracting singing,,,,,

  7. my leads always sounds boring and its because i mostly focus on single notes, thank you for this lesson. I will work on my double stops.

  8. What a classic comment he makes. If the drummer doesn't know where that is, he's got a hole in his head. You're in trouble.Really explains the whole finding the groove thing very well.

  9. re the Robben Ford chat: Robben Ford & Larry Carlton Live in Tokyo is a good 'un.. .

  10. this is exactly the video I needed to 'play' abit more naturally on the chords

    this helped a lot, studying the chords Mr Fletcher was playing.


  11. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Hands down one of the best guitar lessons I ever got
    Thank you for this
    I really liked how much fun you guys were having

  13. This is a super practical master class!

  14. Some the most melodic and amazing rhythm playing ever! A true master.

  15. Next thing you know they'll will have a course on the skills he gave away for free.

  16. Where’s the Patreon, link, etc,. for the Tabs!?! Just a few of those sweet phrases be enough. Great playing and thinking!

  17. What is that Marshall? its not listed

  18. P-90 pickups are obsolete noisy junk.

  19. I heard a CS Samba pati influence over this grove with a little more Motown guitar influence

  20. These two are playing very expensive awesome guitars, but I guarantee if they both had Squires it would still be incredible.

  21. Soooo much soul there. Amazing!!!

  22. Papa! Papa! Papa! Is there any way to double or triple like this lesson!!!!!???? You guys seriously filled a hole in my soul that I didn't know what there! Thank you so much.

  23. Only thing..is that jimmi didnt need two players.

    He did it all himself!!!

  24. Thank you guys, I ran into this vid.. Not expecting to identify with with Mr. Kirk Fletcher's style. This came at the rite time for me. I have a story where as I gave up playing. I started to understand the way I could play was ok. Just because after getting hurt. I did not realize I could adapt. When trying to adapt, I was sounding good . I felt the expression was not clear enough.With Kirk's hand positioning playing sounds I Believe will help me with my expressions.I am not famous or wealthy, However I wanted to be. I never put that time in. I accepted many things. I was working on it. Now, it never would of never mattered. I am happy to come to this understanding. I have little guilt of youth and regret, simple foolishness. comes with age. With all this being said. I hope to be happy to have perfect time. I hope one day, I can express my contribution in a way where I know I have thee up-most understanding for the love of happiness perfect flow of measure and free flow of time. Whereas I always enjoy my life. I grew up in the 80's. It was little messed up back then. The music kept me good. I love jazz and blues Rock & roll Metal all kinds. What Kirk on your show has given me Clarity. Thank you Mr. Kirk & Mr. Brett, Peace.

  25. I needed this. Thank you so much for sharing Kirk and Papa!

  26. Oozing soul. A lovely intro – pure class.
    I’m curious about that lovely gold top, and in particular its wrap over bridge as seen on juniors. It does not appear to have had a stop tailpiece since there are no holes for the bushes. What is the story behind it?

  27. Bad ass playin and tones!❤✌️🤟🏻

  28. Hendrix / Sam Cooke … awesome 👍🏻

  29. Not cool with the click bait. Excellent playing, don't get me wrong but there is nothing mindbendingly unique regarding rhythm in this video

  30. Seriously tasty playing !🎸

  31. I'm just saying this for years guys double stop don't drop till i pop

  32. So glad he mentioned Curtis! Hendrix too obviously! Much love 😍❤✌

  33. Beautiful & absolutely soulful guys ! The guitars are beautiful as well. ❤❤❤ 🤘

  34. fantastic lesson, thanks for introducing me to Kirk Fletcher!

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