3 essential BLUES shuffles! | from EASY to HARD


  1. I like of lot of your videos. However, if I'm being honest, I sometimes I have a hard time distinguishing between the way you pronunciate E, D, and B. I just don't have an ear for the accent. It would help to have either a visual aid or a close up of the chord. Again, you got a lot of great information to share, I just struggle sometimes and thought I might respectfully share my experience in an attempt to help myself and maybe others in the utility of what you're trying to disseminate. Still following and giving the thumbs up, as your videos often include some of the finer details.

  2. I just wanted to say thank you for this. I've been playing for decades, but feel like I've missed so much of the fundamentals of rhythm and turn arounds like this. Thank you for so much valuable information and for your time in doing this to share. Great stuff!

  3. Sweet simplicity. Your teaching technique has opened my eyes (or is it my fingers) since I started watching the tube 3 years ago. Feeling a lot of guilt right now so I’m heading over to patreon for my first ever patronage. Keep on jamming it Pablo. Pick-ahh-so!

  4. I don't understand why the fifth is the obvious choice to omit in chord voicings. Would you mind elaborating or pointing me in the right direction to study further. Good vid. Thanks!

  5. what an awesome lesson! What's happening with the high e string in the A7 (3:40)? is it muted, open e, or barred 5th fret? I find it much easier to play as a barre, but is this appropriate? Thanks Paul!

  6. Thx for all your content Paul, really glad I found you.
    I was self taught, 20+ years ago, and didn't even learn the chord names til 6-7 years into playing.
    I've already learned so much from you! Ty🙏👊

  7. Paul is awesome. Period. thanks brother. As soon as I finish this lesson im doing at home ill join u on Patreon. You should do a video about your bio if it doesn't exist yet..

  8. the third one made me feel like I am really rocking on guitar for the first time. Wow, I am amazed it sounds so bluesy, and this b7 chromatic lick is just better than what it feels to play J. Smith at Collings CL. For the first time in my life I am really getting the claw of blues and hendrix-like understanding how he was thinking about playing rhythm & solo on 6 strings at the same time. Perfectly Done Paul, You are my inspiration to become a better guitar player. Thank you~!

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