Truly amazing song, both lyrical and instrumentally. Touches my soul every time I listen to it! Texting all of you wonderful people of blues music from beautiful Charleston South Carolina! Be love you all!
Imitation of the blues isn't the blues people who have lived that life or experience pain and troubles are the only ones who know and we know who those people are no doubt.
super musique respect grande valeur dommage que certain mette des pubs entre les morceaux aucun respect mais bon on fait avec salutation a tous et bravo continuer c est vrais plaisir
Life is painful. People with pain can’t let go. We either accept their choices or love them as a beautiful part of what they bring to us or we cause hate in ourselves and others.
Красивенький Машотик
В день этот ты очень свежа и прекрасна,
как первый цветок, что стремится в весну!
Когда-то со мною была соучастна.
Сейчас из столицы глядишь на страну.
Невообразимая, как сновиденье,
и сущий подарок, вручаемый раз!
Теперь ты – звезда и чужое владенье
в одеждах из шёлка и капелек страз.
Эдемский престол будет в пору тебе лишь,
о фея волос, среди тысяч не фей!
Свой путь оптимизмом уверенно стелешь
и даришь его мириадам людей.
Неизобразимая слогом широким,
прими квадростишья на длани листа!
Дарю три нижайших поклона и строки
в год тридцать девятый, что от рождества.
Ça fait du bien pour la moral
Lonely blues is real blues situation looser.
I love blues soul it's magical and outstanding with lots of

absolutely superb
I think that Elevator to Heaven ist the most favourite song in every Blues-playlist
Дуже гарна музика аж мурашки по тілі ідуть обожнюю таку музику
Pretty sure it's "blood stains", not "birthdays"
VE.Nova Constanța România
Criminel SHK
Everyone who reads this, we don't know each other and probably never will but I wish you all the best in life and all the luck in the world
con una caricia al alma el blues como los sueños en que queremos que sigan simple pero perfecto
Apoio bluses

Truly amazing song, both lyrical and instrumentally. Touches my soul every time I listen to it! Texting all of you wonderful people of blues music from beautiful Charleston South Carolina! Be love you all!
Imitation of the blues isn't the blues people who have lived that life or experience pain and troubles are the only ones who know and we know who those people are no doubt.
Very good Blues Soul with Lyrics.
I like this music very much.
The best music blues.
Down FLAT the burnt cord Who to: that would be it is TRUE
this music makes no sense
Ottimo Blues rilassante e da la carica giusta x la giornata
mantap mas broo
Yep life is a bitch
Hearing it on a Friday night sober.. Absolute bliss
Cant wait to revisit again tomorrow a Saturday with with a large on the rocks.
super musique respect grande valeur dommage que certain mette des pubs entre les morceaux aucun respect mais bon on fait avec salutation a tous et bravo continuer c est vrais plaisir
Life is painful. People with pain can’t let go. We either accept their choices or love them as a beautiful part of what they bring to us or we cause hate in ourselves and others.