FUN FACTS About Opal In Sky 22 views • October 3, 2024 You already voted!00 Share admin 20391 Videos Music Videos band merch deathcore friendship genre make friends merch Merch drop metal metal genre metal music metalcore metalhead normies opal in sky stereotypes twins
I think in the past I've only ever seen the brothers and on occasion Jeff, it's nice to see the others Reply
The music you guys make is phenomenal, but outside of the music you guys are the biggest group of goobers I’ve ever seen I love it Reply
Hi I'm Lydia, my favourite color is green, and I too am not asian
I think in the past I've only ever seen the brothers and on occasion Jeff, it's nice to see the others
Holy fuck, asian?!? really?
Had to be Andrew. This guy.
Holy fuck that outro music is fucking heavy as fuck the drop tuning is fire
Why did they introduce one guy twice
opalinsky is peak
They didnt cut out Andrew’s part
The music you guys make is phenomenal, but outside of the music you guys are the biggest group of goobers I’ve ever seen
I love it
Uhhhhh what’s with the pancake pics?
“And my favorite color is BlEw”
Bro be looking like Walden from 2 and a half men
Jeff is more funny than me, well
Tyson i love your shirt
Oh my god i have the same slaughter to prevail hell kitty shirt!!!!
Dylon mee too…
Hey Jeff, where on earth did you get that pick?
I love Hello Kitty!
Red is a great color
I forgot to say a lot of metal music gets me into starting my own band
Is Andrew sure he isnt asian??