Kamila Kiehne Shines Her Light with Her Cover of “Black Velvet” | The Voice Blind Auditions | NBC


  1. Solid start that had the coaches grooving. Such floaty, open high(er) notes. Didn't show that much high range but worked the melody well. Oops. Ok. Gave us a high note into the ending. Nice.

  2. I don’t know how to explain it but I could tell how she was going to sing this by the thumbnail 😂😂😂. I watch these blind auditions for Snoop lol. He has the best energy.

  3. Kamila sis, thank you for using your God-given voice to honor & praise Him! It's great to share this Heavenly Gift outside of the four walls, too! 🥳 🎶 God bless you sis, hearing you sing so beautifully & powerfully inspires me to wanna' raise up my "broken Hallelujah" once again, as sadly I allowed the "dang devil" to run much interference! No more, I'mma get my praise on – Hallelujah! 💝🕊️🎶💃🎶 Will be cheering you along sis, enjoy the journey!🙏💝🕊️🎶💃🎶🕊️

  4. Apparently you just need to choose a song they like. Whether they like a song or not is so completely besides the point! They should be listening for artistry in the worst songs! Great songs are already proven. Just mimick them?

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