Omg! I remembered this the other day but forgot the name! I searched for hours! And I swear someone is spying on me because YouTube just showed me this ! Anyways you rock man!
This is definitely one of those songs that you find as a kid and appreciate as you get older. Been listening to this since 2016 (14) and I enjoy when I get to come back to this. Thank you 14 me for finding this
I cant count the times I listed to this on my cheap and heavily scratched mp3 player back when I was in school. Listening again makes the memories flood back again, a timeless mashup I will never tire of hearing!
La intro de La Pensión
Never gets old this. 13yr on
Omg! I remembered this the other day but forgot the name! I searched for hours! And I swear someone is spying on me because YouTube just showed me this ! Anyways you rock man!
Seeing this live was a once in a lifetime experience!
La.mejor.rola de la pension con Fede el Obo y Chriss.Martell jajaa
ah, the good old 720p days….
Bro, i was in middle school when this came out, and now im married and have kids. It's a trippin journey with tunes like these
Anyone listening in 2032!!??
you know the mashup is good when people come back to comment on it regularly 13 years later.
Never give up on her she’s your ex-ample and she is the one who showed you
Madeon did a fkin great work, i still getting back here all these years to listen this masterpiece.
Clark Karen Gonzalez Anna Allen Deborah
La Pensión
Still fire
Always my goto when I am having a Disco for one
Still amazing after all this time
Bienvenidos a la pensión.
I wonder how many people got a launchpad after seeing this? I know I did.
This mashup is a time capsule
13 year, am gonna cry…
I would love to have this on Spotify
How is this not on Spotify???
Honestly in tears rn
A classic
Im still obsessed 11 & 8 years later
MsBgirl45 intro at 0:11
Crazy how I've been jammin this for 10 years now and it will never get old. What an absolute MASTERPIECE
I come back to listen to this 4-5 times a year. Will never get old.
Keith Apicary says hello!
@daftpunk olha isso mano absurdo do caraio
@gorillaz olha isso aqui!!!!
My gosh it was 13 years ago and its still makes me happy!! Good for you Madeon
Nostalgia at its finest
majestic angelical
Thank you youtube reccomend musics
still vibing
2024 Yoooooo

and im back here since 14 July 2011. 2024 damn
This is definitely one of those songs that you find as a kid and appreciate as you get older. Been listening to this since 2016 (14) and I enjoy when I get to come back to this. Thank you 14 me for finding this
Hey is there anyone still hear listen with me?
Ts is so magnificent…
I wish this was on spotify
I cant count the times I listed to this on my cheap and heavily scratched mp3 player back when I was in school. Listening again makes the memories flood back again, a timeless mashup I will never tire of hearing!
I'm watching this again in 2024. A truly masterpiece.