1. Met Simon after the Adelaide show on the Overgivenheten tour. Such a nice guy! Amazingly sweet and humble. And he just throws THIS up for his first Soilwork piece? I don't know how much of this song is his, but it's enough to convince me that this band is in such a good place moving forward. I CAN NOT WAIT for a new album. It absolutely sucks losing Dave, not only for Soilwork but for NFO as well. But the next era is before us, and I am excited!

  2. I love this band until the Ride Majestic. The stylistic change is one thing but inspiration and types of melodies are other things that are not for me. This song is another example of that. Personally I miss the days of The Living Infinite or The Chainheart Machine, where the recognisable Soilwork riffs reigned supreme. In an ideal world Frenning and Wichers would be back, but everything changes and everyone moves on. I also understand this new style is obviously fantastic for other fans, so more power to them. Strid is still an amazing singer. And who knows, will we ever see Sylvain do a Scarve reunion 😉🤘

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