Ohne Worte. Die Gestalten die in dem Video zu sehen sind und alles geben sind der Hit in Dosen. Habe mir bei dem Versuch das nachzumachen beide Beine gebrochen
Do you make this? Im listening to people's stuff trying to reach out and tap people on the shoulder so to speak. Im playing around with reaper . Mine is more game inspired. Uematsu inspired more right now. Just letting people know i exist.
New GYM mix! Check it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my10k_tS_1I
Great wake up alarm in morns. lol very Dark . I like
Wow boss idol nice
This is like a Rave I was at on Friday 26th July 2024 at the Telegraph Hall Belfast.
Super miusic
Ohne Worte. Die Gestalten die in dem Video zu sehen sind und alles geben sind der Hit in Dosen. Habe mir bei dem Versuch das nachzumachen beide Beine gebrochen
Awesome beat@! SmAcHinG

Love this beat makes me work out more.
I go back to thunderdome …
Im puting right now, wait for my kid to finish is swimingpool lesson and its sound at the first 3.00 minutes ok………
All of my wishes come true;) thank you Spirit
All of my wishes have come true!!!
Felt the bass through my monitor's speakers :))
Jetutu eres bien tecnológico

No me gusto tu musica
I like the music.. the cutsin out between songs are quite obvious and break the flow of the set.
Estoy bien pinche marihuano listen this music
Boris Brejcha is the man!!!!
Dziękujemy. Spasiba!!
Love You Guys!!!!! Lots of LOVE!!!!!

Eminem was lying when he said nobody listens to techno !
Was für eine Föhn Frisur ..?
Nice music
Ooow yeah

love the Bass need to go out on my ebikes always thanks for the sharing on you tube .

…ou est koba?
Absolutamente genial!!!!!!!

I subbed
Do you make this? Im listening to people's stuff trying to reach out and tap people on the shoulder so to speak. Im playing around with reaper . Mine is more game inspired. Uematsu inspired more right now. Just letting people know i exist.