I do not care dude. These types of videos (the *children are starving in africa*) videos are way too much for me. I DONT CARE OF STARVING KIDS SO DELETE THIS!!!
Please don’t waste food. I used to be poor now I’m like rich I had no people keep bullying. Me and I still look ugly. Like I think wasting food is bad.
I do not care dude. These types of videos (the *children are starving in africa*) videos are way too much for me. I DONT CARE OF STARVING KIDS SO DELETE THIS!!!
Don’t waste. Food
"Don't waste food…"
~A wise man~
No will not stop wadting

If you hate people who waste food

if i dont have a family then i have arleady died
Someone womp womped me cause i told a video to not shoot a coca cola
Treat others the way you want to be treated-Allah and jesus
Low key tho why did some of those pictures look like he googled them from chat gpt
We are eating food not wasting
This made me cry

Please don’t waste food. I used to be poor now I’m like rich I had no people keep bullying. Me and I still look ugly. Like I think wasting food is bad.

Who thinks icecream is food

Free Palestine

Only sin taoism don't know:
Please, this is my brother's old phone. We share the same phone to study together
. I need an iPhone
This video almost made me cry

He changed his ways and regrets them
dont waste your food donate for poor people
So racist..
Free Palestine
Not my problem
You’re welcome
Great inspiring shorts,now many of learn"value of food"
He is wild