Please react to Kija's new song ft. Sha. And I know you don't react to covers but Edita posted the most amazing cover of a Spanish song you'll love it. It's the first time you can hear how good she actually is
Jamesbray3 whats up homie iam a german guy Who want to leran how to speak american english the idea which i have is we can teach each other i Show you how to speak german without a accent and you Help me how to leran to speak english without a accent when you want you can give me a answer and then i Show you my Instagram Name and we do a facecall but its ok when you dont wont i know you have to do some other things
If u wanna see a really creative video of julien bam then u should watch : alles eine frage der Perspektive from him
Wow wie gut er schon Deutsch kann,Respekt
Hey man, here is a video you may react to :
Its about american football played in germany.
300k Subscriber Flute Mulgogi Special! Confirmed!
Please react to song Sha and Kija Kockar -PAZI FLOW
Please react to Kija's new song ft. Sha.
you'll love it. It's the first time you can hear how good she actually is
And I know you don't react to covers but Edita posted the most amazing cover of a Spanish song
React to ,,deutschrap ist fresher denn je"
its not random its MUKOGY
Nah dawg it's from joon Kim…. The actual vid yk uund ich kann deutsch
React to honey singh newest song " moscow mashuka"" russian rap
check out nyk le vrai 76 (german rap, black brother coming up)
Its been a while since you reacted to swedish rap, i think its time bro
Can you react to kool savas, rin and kitschkrieg "oh junge"?
Yestrday I saw the video "105 Youtuber vereint" and I had to think that you would like it.
yo james, new apache song
Mulgogi isn't German =)
Hey James

(ein großes Lob)
I am from Austria and I think you speak PERFEKT germany
Julien Bam had say in a video, that if you come to German,then he will meet you!!!
Your Mike from Austria

Amazing catches u ever seen
Jamesbray3 whats up homie iam a german guy Who want to leran how to speak american english the idea which i have is we can teach each other i Show you how to speak german without a accent and you Help me how to leran to speak english without a accent when you want you can give me a answer and then i Show you my Instagram Name and we do a facecall but its ok when you dont wont i know you have to do some other things

songs released today :
Capital Bra, Clueso, Kc Rebell – Andere Welt
Kitschkrieg ft. Rin & Kool Savas – Oh Junge
Kitschkrieg ft. Bonez MC & VYBZ Kartel – International Criminal
Juri, Sun Diego, Scenzah, Mavie – Red Bottoms
Apache207 – Unterwegs
Ufo361 – Shit Changed
Dardan – Ma Bae
Azet & Albi – Zwei
did I forget something?
Reaktion to diese gut meme
React 4 strane sveta
LUCIANO Album out reaction pls
Edit: sorry for this useless comment
Please react to Elif – Schwarz

trust me
Hey James first one I LOVE UR VIDEOS and i wann ajust Do the Question did u can react in This too Italian Songs/Videos
DORADO from Mahmood
Se mi lasci ti disso fron Shade official
(Se mi lasci ti disso=when u leave me i diss u) and when no also Thx
7:20 actually no one actually knows how to pronounce his name right bcuz it’s korean but eventually everyone just says joon like john
In Germany we say: ,,Du isst gerne Yarro Mcflarro bei Mcdonalds"
Eyy wo sind hier die deutschen julien bam/bulien jam/JUckt mich nicht faaans