I loved Johnny back in the day…now I just see him as the wasted bloated Keith Richards wanna be he's become. He drank and drugged his good looks away long ago.
If there was another bio pic about the iconic badass charlie Chaplin Jr i think that Johnny should play him I think that he would be perfect for the iconic role the legend that is Johnny doing the scene in Benny and Joon doing Charlie's potato dance was spot on perfectional Magic at his best
Damn it. I was on a group of coworkers today and a former coworker was brought up who very much reminds me of joon, with no disrespect intended. So i went to look up the traffic clip here so i could send it to a couple people who also worked there when she did. Then i saw this and clicked it. Now i have to go watch the whole fuqin thing.
As undeniably amazing as Johnny Depp is in this film, I think Mary Stuart Masterson’s unsung portrayal of a mentally ill and disturbed woman is so heart achingly genuine.
That bit with the dinner roll foot dance is one of those scenes I remember seeing as a little kid that continued to live rent free in my mind for so many years.
Last night I watch Charlie Chaplin's Gold Rush and was amazed to see that this movie is paying homage to Chaplin's Oceana Roll, the OG of dinner roll dancing!
when he is saying the words along with the tape when they watch her movie is so funny….,use to do that as a kid lol
He looks like Jack White here

I loved Johnny back in the day…now I just see him as the wasted bloated Keith Richards wanna be he's become. He drank and drugged his good looks away long ago.
Mary Stuart Masterson and Johnny Depp somewhere in time.
Charlie Chaplin !
Johnny Depp could have played Quicksilver
Nice catch!
My god. A young Juliane Moore. C'mon. She was a knockout.
Wow! Young Julianne Moore!
1:06 Whoa! Nice catch, Sam!
cameraman is doing such a bad job here
If there was another bio pic about the iconic badass charlie Chaplin Jr i think that Johnny should play him I think that he would be perfect for the iconic role the legend that is Johnny doing the scene in Benny and Joon doing Charlie's potato dance was spot on perfectional Magic at his best
They dont make guys like him. Or keanu. Or river. Or swayze anymore.
I love the Movie

. And Johnny 
Last night I watched this all because Sam is such a honey.I
him to death
Can't believe this movie is 30 yrs old time sure flies & i feel old
Love it,bring it back
J moore wan a random waitress in movies back then?
Damn it. I was on a group of coworkers today and a former coworker was brought up who very much reminds me of joon, with no disrespect intended. So i went to look up the traffic clip here so i could send it to a couple people who also worked there when she did. Then i saw this and clicked it. Now i have to go watch the whole fuqin thing.
This is a Charlie Chaplin routine
Favorite movie!!!
That food looks great!!!
As undeniably amazing as Johnny Depp is in this film, I think Mary Stuart Masterson’s unsung portrayal of a mentally ill and disturbed woman is so heart achingly genuine.
That bit with the dinner roll foot dance is one of those scenes I remember seeing as a little kid that continued to live rent free in my mind for so many years.
Wow i have never seen young Julianne Moora before and she is Gorgeous here.
Johnny Depp is really nowhere even close to as funny as Charlie Chaplin or Buster Keaton
Stolen from Charlie Chaplin. He did the roll dance in The Gold Rush. Complete rip-off.
Last night I watch Charlie Chaplin's Gold Rush and was amazed to see that this movie is paying homage to Chaplin's Oceana Roll, the OG of dinner roll dancing!
14 year old me thought this was peak romance

Excellent film Johnny Depp
I dropped acid before this film back in the 90s, ended up sectioned 12
I absolutely loved this movie
I love this scene. He stole it from Charlie Chaplin.