About Park Hyun Bin I kinda understand him. Because I also hate hugging, kissing in public, specially in front of people. If there are old people then it's big No! Also I hate seeing couple being like in front of me too. It's just kinda embarrassing at the same time unconfortable to see. But walking after him is a bit too much even it was before marriage and staying up untill midnight is if she usually likes to stay beside him then it's ok.
I know this video is pretty old, but I feel a lot of people are being way too judgemental on Park Hyun-Bin based on this interview. Some women prefer men like that.
(BTW, Kim Sae-Rom and Lee Chan-Oh, the couple a lot of people liked, had issues with abuse and other problems, while Park Hyun-Bin and his wife recently had a child. So you cannot tell whether a couple loves each other based on an interview. There are many factors behind the scenes).
while everyone is jz like hyun bin is so boring, i cant imagine being with him, and the chef couple is so cute, this is what i wanna say: hyun bin's wife is now pregnant, and the chef couple divorced. i met hyun bin not long ago, and he's a really cheerful guy, so i totally don't feel sorry for his wife. he's so entertaining!!
It's so weird watching this again but now knowing that Lee Chan Oh and Kim Sae Rom are divorced. I don't know much about relationships but, getting married after 4 months of dating doesn't really seem like a good idea. It honestly could just depend on the relationship between the people involved, but… Idk… It Just doesn't seem reasonable. Anyway, Goodluck to them.
I really love that chef couple. But after finished watching, I went to google more info about them & found out that he cheated on her. Even though they denied it but seriously no man let a girl sits on their lap & pulls them closer but still call them friend. So sad
only just finding out kim saerom got married. i still remember her from when she did idol manager with mblaq, she was so great with the boys. nice to know shes happily married, god bless :')
The couple that got married after 4 months are going to end up divorced. .. And they both stupid it seem like, you got married and didn't even have a home yet, then gone say you didn't know you had to take care of that . She still a child when they recorded this episode. .
One more thing. Does Park Hyunbin ever make mistakes or does he think he is perfect. She never tells him anything which would allow him to grow in this marriage or become a better husband? The whole thing to me is really strange…..
Freeze the clip at 41:08 and study the stunned and disappointed look on everyone's face. Hyunbin's behaviour has nothing to do with being conservative. He is lucky to have found someone subservient who sometimes calls him "dad"?? Did he marry a teenager? Sad, sad, sad, in my eyes that she must live with physical affection only when he desires it and this is how their marriage is. I do believe however as the one lady said, that there is someone for everyone. This is very true. I wonder how his parents were?
Hahaha… I always like when Park Joon Hyung becomes a guest. His laidback attitude as a foreigner really hillarious in Korean show. He said "yo noona" to the President LOL And he just casually asked Kim Saerom "you had a baby?" xD
Park joon hyung 0:39,12:18,35:00,52:05,59:05
the 4months couple already divorced due to her wife is abusing her husband when drunk
hyun bin such an ass husband
Eventually, they divorced. it was obviously clear with a 4 month relationship.
About Park Hyun Bin I kinda understand him. Because I also hate hugging, kissing in public, specially in front of people. If there are old people then it's big No! Also I hate seeing couple being like in front of me too. It's just kinda embarrassing at the same time unconfortable to see. But walking after him is a bit too much even it was before marriage
and staying up untill midnight is if she usually likes to stay beside him then it's ok.
Lol president : noona
지금 보고있는데, 분명히 4개월만에 결혼했으면… 지금쯤 이혼했을려나? 하고 검색하니깐 1년만에 이혼했네여
Well this episode didn't age well. Chef couple divorced, evidence of wife beating her husband, they separate, chef now in jail for drug possession.
I know this video is pretty old, but I feel a lot of people are being way too judgemental on Park Hyun-Bin based on this interview. Some women prefer men like that.
(BTW, Kim Sae-Rom and Lee Chan-Oh, the couple a lot of people liked, had issues with abuse and other problems, while Park Hyun-Bin and his wife recently had a child. So you cannot tell whether a couple loves each other based on an interview. There are many factors behind the scenes).
while everyone is jz like hyun bin is so boring, i cant imagine being with him, and the chef couple is so cute, this is what i wanna say: hyun bin's wife is now pregnant, and the chef couple divorced. i met hyun bin not long ago, and he's a really cheerful guy, so i totally don't feel sorry for his wife. he's so entertaining!!
hyun bin is absolutely hilarious HAHAHAHAHAH i love it when he does the head voice throat voice and chest voice thingy xDD
"Do you eat at the same table?" hahaha
i cant believe a woman like hyun bin's wife still exist in modern days lol
anyway he's so lucky, his wife is very nice
And this nice couple divorced soo badly

It's so weird watching this again but now knowing that Lee Chan Oh and Kim Sae Rom are divorced. I don't know much about relationships but, getting married after 4 months of dating doesn't really seem like a good idea. It honestly could just depend on the relationship between the people involved, but… Idk… It Just doesn't seem reasonable.
Anyway, Goodluck to them.
I really love that chef couple. But after finished watching, I went to google more info about them & found out that he cheated on her. Even though they denied it but seriously no man let a girl sits on their lap & pulls them closer but still call them friend. So sad
only just finding out kim saerom got married. i still remember her from when she did idol manager with mblaq, she was so great with the boys. nice to know shes happily married, god bless :')
The couple that got married after 4 months are going to end up divorced. .. And they both stupid it seem like, you got married and didn't even have a home yet, then gone say you didn't know you had to take care of that . She still a child when they recorded this episode. .
It's funny how he hates people who laugh loudly but he sounds like dying seal when laughs.
I like how blunt Joon Park is 3:11 LOL
wooo monsta x-rush <3333
i hope to find some1 like saerom. constant affection must feel so good.
I wish I knew what Saerom's lipstick is. The colour is so lovely.
I find the couple really annoying at first but then, dơnt know how and why its so sweet of them showing affection to each other. im so jealous T_T
woah…you guys can chillax a bit about hyunbin.. some women prefer that type of man and vice versa..so chill
Joon is hilarious, even in the corner you can hear him laughing sometimes lmao
lol Myungsoo trying to get the food and Jae Suk stopping him…played that so many times, it's so funny
what the episode it is?
i think hyunbin is just an awkwatd person. is he not?
One more thing. Does Park Hyunbin ever make mistakes or does he think he is perfect. She never tells him anything which would allow him to grow in this marriage or become a better husband? The whole thing to me is really strange…..
Freeze the clip at 41:08 and study the stunned and disappointed look on everyone's face. Hyunbin's behaviour has nothing to do with being conservative. He is lucky to have found someone subservient who sometimes calls him "dad"?? Did he marry a teenager? Sad, sad, sad, in my eyes that she must live with physical affection only when he desires it and this is how their marriage is. I do believe however as the one lady said, that there is someone for everyone. This is very true. I wonder how his parents were?
Hahaha… I always like when Park Joon Hyung becomes a guest. His laidback attitude as a foreigner really hillarious in Korean show. He said "yo noona" to the President LOL
And he just casually asked Kim Saerom "you had a baby?" xD
Fun fact (1:12:00): That pasta type was invented in Israel during the 1950s and it's called "Ptitim" (פתיתים), and originally named "Ben Gurion Rice".
it was really fun..:) ㅋㅋㅋ
am I the only one? what is wrong with the subtitles…its not complete?
lol I've never seen anyone eat an entire scallop in one bite. haha she's so cute
Can someone tell me if Park Sieun is the girl in J's "8318" video from waaayyyy back in the day? She looks just like her!!!
When Hyunbin was talking about singing classical music on happy together. I realize that Lee Hyori and Miss A's Fei, look alike.
PD Nim pleaseeeeee (>_<)
Kim Jong Kook, Rain, Kang Daesung, K. Will – Small Eyes Big World
Lee Min Ho, Kim Woo Bin, Lee Jong Hyun (CN Blue), TOP – Good Looking Guy Special
Chef Chanoh looks like an older Bernard Park.
Does anyone know the song played at 1:04:32
that cheap chissy ass couple , fuck'em ! FUCK