true but in scotland, ud need to look hard for dancers, i plan on moving to america wen im 18 to start a new life, and be with my girlfriend who dances and is from america
yeah, but hardly anyone in scotland does it, ud have to look hard to see them, in london or birmingham, definitely, but i might move to new york or virginia where my girlfriend is and just start new there
i like this guy, its just that no one in the uk has heard of him, britain is such a miserable place, the only people who are genuine are the teenagers who dance
Does it even look like he's trying to put on a technical showcase? He just dancing in a shoe store having fun, promoting, and giving us something ENTERTAINING TO WATCH. Yes it could be more "clean", but guess what…you don't have to try to make a technical showcase every time you dance. Don't think for a second that he couldn't do a "clean" freestyle. This guys been around for a long time.
he was alright he tried lockin to it which fucked him over bc he did it horrible… his angles where clean but some of hits you couldnt see them that good just need to make them look sharper… some of his conceots were reallu dope
I love it when he dances to his wife's singing. It's heart warming
i plan to
true but in scotland, ud need to look hard for dancers, i plan on moving to america wen im 18 to start a new life, and be with my girlfriend who dances and is from america
yeah, but hardly anyone in scotland does it, ud have to look hard to see them, in london or birmingham, definitely, but i might move to new york or virginia where my girlfriend is and just start new there
i like this guy, its just that no one in the uk has heard of him, britain is such a miserable place, the only people who are genuine are the teenagers who dance
well since im british, its pretty obvious, no one in britain has heard of him
im in loveeeeeee
that shirt head isolation was unreal
who is he? I've been watching popping videos over youtube almost 3 years. But watched him recently in Monsters Inc video
Does it even look like he's trying to put on a technical showcase? He just dancing in a shoe store having fun, promoting, and giving us something ENTERTAINING TO WATCH. Yes it could be more "clean", but guess what…you don't have to try to make a technical showcase every time you dance. Don't think for a second that he couldn't do a "clean" freestyle. This guys been around for a long time.
they will be up soon dont worry i havent had any time to post up a video but you will definitely see one
thats cool now show us your dancing video's…
I like ur shoes:)
he was alright he tried lockin to it which fucked him over bc he did it horrible… his angles where clean but some of hits you couldnt see them that good just need to make them look sharper… some of his conceots were reallu dope
Needs to be more clean
Nice moves btw
Ayyyyyeeeee check me out we was on season 10 so you think you can dance
what the hell he do with his body…
hella dope
WOW *^*
he's absolutely AMAZING **
Just imagine him in the bedroom…
this man is a legend to all those who didnt know