Vlog 2: Why Do People Wear Shoes Inside The House?! // Joon Lee
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I'm a white South African. We keep our shoes on at other people's houses as taking them off would be disrespectful (shows you're too comfortable I suppose, it is just frowned upon). Also in the town I stay we have front and back gardens with multiple doors that lead to each – if you leave your shoes at the front door and need to go out the back, you look like the first few seconds of this video… 😂
BUT at your own house, especially during winter, you take your shoes off for comfort.
Pretty much everybody else in the world does not wear shoes in the house, its wierd, only in America
I can't get my head around having all those shoes outside the house in the elements. Or walking barefoot in the house or keeping slippers and carrying your shoes to another location in the house. The entire thing is so complicated when we already wash floors, clean sofas, etc anyway.
keep your shoes on. i just posted a video on this on my channel.
man you're hilarious!
because in Europe we have doormatts you moron
Those people who do not takeoff your shoes before coming into the house must have uncomfortable feelings about them self and their body it is not a healthy way of thinking that your feet are private or should not be without shoes in front of other people leaving your shoes at the door is definitely a healthy thing to do
this whole thing is odd to me. most people do both really. When you are walking around on hardwwood floors or well trod living room carpet, coming in and out of the house, you have shoes on in the middle of the day. Lounging on the couch or at the end of the day no you want the shoes off it just feels more comfortable. If you are in for the day, or in during the weekend, you usually walk around with slippers or just socks or bare feet. If your shoes are muddy or otherwise dirty you never walk in with them. Any dirt that gets transferred in because of shoes tracking them in has a simple solution, its called cleaning. But let us stop pretending that this is a huge cultural divide everyone I have ever known has to some extent done both, some people are very nazi like though about taking the shoes off most of the time, to me that is weird if you are just in for a moment or two, sometimes I have been to friends's houses that demand this and there is a holiday party and the area near the door is like a tripping hazard, so full of shoes everywhere. Also look at it like this, when you go to church do you take your shoes off? Euro-American Christians dont do that, when you are in a store, like a specialty shop do you take your shoes off? no. I dont know I think being fascist about shoes on or off in someones home is weird. When ever I have gone to peoples houses who insist on it I have to fight a strong urge to leave, I find it odd and obsessive-compulsive, But it is not strictly an Asian or any race thing, because there are many white people like this.
I always switch to slippers
Wait does americans shower with shoes?
You looked pretty comfortable in some of those positions.
Because they're fucking stupid.
I get the shoes at home concept of Americans, you have big homes and you see the floor as something dirty and that makes sense if you have a big big place that is hard to wipe. In many other cultures, the floor and carpet are seen as clean, where kids play and roll around, and there are even cultures where people actually sit and eat on the floor. This all makes sense.
But then this, touching the couch with your shoes? God, I see people putting their shoes (used, not new bought clean shoes) on their bed! While packing luggage etc. I mean, are you people for real? Why don't you directly sleep on the floor of that public toilet you stepped in yesterday?
I guess in the 50's it was more popular to take off your shoes in America?
I don't know but my parents are very old fashion and I'll continue the tradition to always take my shoes off in the house and yell at my rude guests that don't lol.
I grew up wearing shoes in the house but the past couple years I dont. Its disgusting.
If I’m taking my shoes off it's because I’m 100% done with my day and ready to relax, if my shoes come off my socks are coming with them and my belts probably coming undone as well why’ll I’m siting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn watching tv, God himself couldn’t get me to put them back on till the next day because its a mental signal that I’m done for the day and now I can really rest.I wear work boots with laces if I had to take my boots off and on every time I came in and out of the house id go insane. Go to work on, come home off, go to the store or out to eat on, come home off, work in the yard on, come in for food and water off, take out the trash on, come back in off, no thank you. I don’t know about people in other countries but maybe its because when Americans get off work there's still a lot to get done through out the rest of the day. And yes because I mentally associate taking my shoes off with being 100% done with work and chores and being completely relaxed it does fell to intimate to do at someone else's house.
Just a thought, Im 44 years old so I think it could also be an age and socioeconomic thing. With younger people who live in a global world and see how other cultures live they want to emulate those cultures so for younger Americans its probably 50/50 on the shoe thing. Or it could also be a cultural hold over from when most off America was historically rural farm land and homes in those communities couldn’t afford more expensive flouring so they used wood or dirt flooring. With dirt floors you’d leave your shoes on so your feet don’t get dirty and with wooden flours so you don’t get splinters. I’m from Texas and I’ve meet many 70, 80, 90 year old ranchers and farmers who grew up with wooden or dirt floors at least when they were young.
this is great!!!!! You said and showed everything that was on my mind also!))) "we're white" – no no no!))) In Russia – it is absolutely the same! The house is kept clean from the dirt from the outside, the street!))) so I understand your feeling clearly) and by the way – the feet have to rest, doesn't it? It happens when you take the shoes off!)
I’m polish and I moved to us when I was 18… it was a big shock for me too. Still can’t handle it and still take off my shoes when I walk in to somebody’s house.. can imagine sitting on the couch with my shoes on 🤢
If I see shoes outside of a front door, I will know to take my shoes off when I enter their house, but I always thought it was a religious thing, apparently its just a cleanliness thing. A religious thing I can understand, but a cleanliness thing is not practical. Your hands are probably dirties than your shoes, (maybe he was just bouncing a basketball outside, now he thinks his feet are cleaner) and I wouldn't want your stinky feet and germie DNA all over my house. you better have sox on if you take your shoes off.
I'm asian and live in Canada and anytime I go visit someone I have to ask do they wear shoes in the house
I'm born in raised in USA, when I learned that most of the world takes shoes off at the front door, and why, I adoped that habit and am glad I did. I'm gradually working up to slippers for use in bathroom only.
Okay, I can just conclude its just an American thing. I mean like why do you even bother cleaning your house when you're gonna bring in the dirt that got on the soles of your shoes from whatever shitz you stepped on during the day out? Another question is, do y'all even clean your house in the first place?
Its an american thing.
Not only Asian people I am American and I make people take off their shoes. I care too much about germs and my house! Yuk!!!
Prove it!
I don't think it is a white people thing. Europeans and Canadians generally don't wear shoes inside. I think it's an American thing.
I don't like to wear shoes. My bare feet are the best shoes in the world !
being lived in both west and east, I guess it may be because that in most developing countries in the east it is very dirty outside than inside. I have observed in most western countries and in most localities it is super clean outside. This may be because of people's attitude towards cleanliness and the governments inability/unconcerned manner on cleanliness in public areas. (for example people still can see poop and pee on the public walking paths in Chennai/India where I currently live), I have seen people picking up dog poop in Boston, Ottawa and many other cities in west but there are lot of human poop and pee in India in public places including Bus Terminus (many even in 2018) in India. Very rarely people pick up after their dogs in India and other asian countries and lot of stray dogs doing their things. Tons of garbages and filthy stuff on road, near houses, overflowing sewages, broken roads etc – but in west these are rare scenes…. This might be unconsciously in the brain of people from east than in west. I don't wear shoes inside in India, I would consider in West as it is clean.
im asian, and i wear shoes in the house. my asian friends does this too.
It’s just a dirty, lazy, disgusting habit.
Hey Lee, are you studying in UNC?
We just got hardwood floors put in the house and now I want to be better at taking my shoes off and asking others who enter to take their shoes off.
I'm American and until I traveled the world hadn't thought about this. Once I did, I was shocked that Americans don't take our shoes off. I started to. But it's "impolite" for us to ask others to take shoes off in our home. Go figire.
The man with shoes on his couch is very common. I bet he has hairy balls too. No standards.
Not only an Asian sentiment. My Father is black and I grew up in a mixed family, where shoes off in the garage was the rule. Western culture must adore the shoe so much because we believe it symbolizes a hard day's work hence it is a basic requirement for entry level employment, otherwise 'western survival'. I think it's disgusting. The elements on the bottom of the shoe have no place in the home, I have two cats and they can potentially track everything from the floor into the bed. Not to mention, jobsite contaminants which are absorbed through their fur and naked paws. Good luck fighting the shoe revolution. #FUCKTHESHOE
go Asians!
I'm an Asian and I am a Hygiene CRITIC and I have never understood why people wear shoes in their house, like when you go out and use your shoes, you step on all sorts of dirty stuff so why the heck would you want to wear your shoes in your house! Its absolutely disgusting when you thing about it! Imagine if you stepped on dirt! Its so stupid to wear shoes in the house and i especially hate it when I see AMERICANS saying that not wearing shoes inside the house is an ASIAN THING. W.T.F GO TO HELL THOSE WHO SAY THAT BECAUSE FOR THE CLEANLINESS OF LIFE JUST DON'T WEAR SHOES INSIDE THE HOUSE! Its not like u wanna show off your COOL NEW SHOES to other people!