KID VS PRO WHO WILL SHOW THE BEST TIME!? 29 views • January 24, 2025 You already voted!00 Share admin 19903 Videos Uncategorized kid PRO show time
To convert the speed from meters per second (m/s) to kilometers per hour (km/h), you just multiply the value by 3.6. Speed of the "KID": 7.86 m/s × 3.6 ≈ 28.30 km/h Speed of the "PRO": 14.93 m/s × 3.6 ≈ 53.75 km/h So: The "KID" is going at about 28.30 km/h. The "PRO" is going at about 53.75 km/h. Reply
Well pro had 100 M of tape while the kid had 50 M but the kid got less time. Duh but how close the time was shows the pro is better for those who don’t know. Reply
Ehhh bro, el coso seguia contando al pro y el niño arranco y no le conto por un segundo entero, el niño hizo trampa. Resultado del niño correcto: 7,36 Reply
Guy in the middle be like: Yup Ima headoutta here rolls away
Ehliyet lazım mı?
Не чесно
The pro wasn’t going to speed
To convert the speed from meters per second (m/s) to kilometers per hour (km/h), you just multiply the value by 3.6.
Speed of the "KID":
7.86 m/s × 3.6 ≈ 28.30 km/h
Speed of the "PRO":
14.93 m/s × 3.6 ≈ 53.75 km/h
The "KID" is going at about 28.30 km/h.
The "PRO" is going at about 53.75 km/h.
Dele con huevos no mms
Yamaha PW 50
Kid is zayn safuoglu?
Well, the size of the tape is different
А про может быть нормально поедет

Видна што профи
bro the kid start and you start counting after 0.??second
Ахахха ребёнок победил профи ахахахаха сосо

Yo nomas digo esa moto del adulto hace los 100 m mucho antes es una super bike
у мелкого ведь лента короче!что тут проверять?
Как же это тупо измерять
Amarelo tem menos fita
Well pro had 100 M of tape while the kid had 50 M but the kid got less time. Duh but how close the time was shows the pro is better for those who don’t know.
The question is how can the dude hold the tape it does not suppose to fall from his hands
Ehhh bro, el coso seguia contando al pro y el niño arranco y no le conto por un segundo entero, el niño hizo trampa.
Resultado del niño correcto: 7,36
Who witch me is the pro biker have longest
Y me saludas
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