1. Used to believe in the Rock. Now I'm wondering who's putting him in front of us all the time. His movies don't sell. So why is he constantly in everything?

    He's just straddling the fence. If it looked like Trump was going to lose big time he'd never have dared say that.

  2. Patty boy! Beta! Traitor! Beggar! Along with oprah, this jerk was asking americans for money to rebuild Hawaii. Sure! After everyone was given enough for a plane ticket! Losers! Corrupt loser!? CAN YOU SMELL THE ROCK THIS DORK'S BEEN COOKIN?

  3. He supported Trump and then Biden. He’s a moron Big body a little head. He can say I supported Biden but not Trump this time. So Zachary Levi has more character and strength than him. The traitor is talking😳😱

  4. The rock or Dwayne and I are cousins and he needs to do a lot more than saying what ever he said. We got into a big argument a few years ago when our conversation went to the election. Dwayne owes me cause he was wrong about Trump and needs to make it right and be active in supporting Trump 2024

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