1. Relive the biggest hits from 1984! 🌟 Which one do you still love today? Share with us! 👇

  2. “Take on me” came out in America in 1985. I think it first cameout in England in 1984. buy It wasn’t a big hit until they made the video, & re-release the song.

  3. 1984, j'avais 14 ans, très belle sélection de chansons, mes préférées sont les numéros 9, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3,2 et 1, décennie vraiment incroyable, où tous les styles musicaux se côtoyaient, que de souvenirs 😀🌻💐

  4. West End Girls was not 1984. It was released in 1986.😊

  5. The hit version of West End Girls was released late 1985,not 1984.And Take On Me not a hit till Autumn 1985.

  6. Why they do such shitty songs today 😢

  7. Bis auf WestxEnd Girls alle Top. Die 1 sowieso.

  8. Big in Japan? Really????

  9. Footloose should be on number 1

  10. Пет шоп Бойс , первый альбом 86 год ..

  11. Burning heart and eye of the tiger hearts on fire

  12. A-Ha is my car soundtrack..

  13. Where were these the biggest songs (US, Europe)? And by who's measure (Billboard?)

  14. at least one can be replaced by metallica

  15. Wasn’t thriller in 1984. 🤔

  16. Good 👍 times the 80's was my jam!

  17. Згоден.
    Тільки -ALPHAVILLE,на 3 місце з
    "Sounds Like a Melody".

  18. Han pasado 41 años
    Increíble ,el paso del tiempo😢

  19. Panama by Van Halen should have been on here

  20. Q suerte haber nacido en los 70 y pasar mi adolescecia y juventud con esta musica ,ahora me doy cuenta,vivan los cassettes 😊

  21. Careless whisper >>>> take on me
    Should've been #1

  22. Can’t believe no Caribbean Queen 😐 She’s simply AWESOME 😄

  23. Who knew that there were 10 songs better than When Doves Cry in 1984.

  24. Sin duda un gran año para la música. Saludos desde el Perú.

  25. Some of those songs were released in 1985 and 1986!

  26. Los 80s la mejor década musical de todos los tiempos.

  27. Miami vice what's the best show ever started 84 to 89

  28. I’m thinking the last 2 are 85 and west end girls is 86. Still love the list

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