1. When I saw Mustaine, I thought this was a joke of the 5 worst metal vocalists.

  2. Warrel Dane? Jon Oliva? Gregory Charles Harges? Russ Anderson? Steve Grimmett? Geoff Tate? Erik A. Knutson? The list goes on and on.

  3. You didn't pick the best recordings, but Dio was so amazing…
    Btw, Mustaine was cool in the 80s and 90s, today he's over, same for his playing.

  4. Rob Halford is the best hands down and it's not even close

  5. Bruce Dickinson should be #1. I've seen most major bands in person and I am always moved the most by Maiden.

  6. Ozzy is like Lemmy. Legendary but sings like shit.

  7. One of my favorite is Travis Ryan from Cattle Decapitation.

  8. No mention of King Diamond?

  9. WHAT?!?!?! Rob Halford #1, Ronnie James Dio #2 the rest are average

  10. Most Talented Metal Vocalist :
    Geoff Tate

  11. Howard Jones M shadows Jesse Leach Cory Taylor and Brian Wille

    Bands are Killswitch Engage Avenged Sevenfold slipknot and currents

  12. Also we love the pull up calluses

  13. Not just has the pipes ozzy lays the pipe

  14. Will Ramos: "hold my drink…"🤘🤘

  15. Devin Townsend and it really isn't even close. At all.

  16. That's crazy not a mention of Axl rose? He has the best range and voice when he was in his prime that's why no one can do good covers of most of his songs because he's too good of a singer

  17. 1.Dio 2.Maynard Keenan 3.Ozzy
    4.Rob Halford. And 5. I have to give a tie to Hetfield and Mustaine. I just cant leave one of them out.

  18. King Diamond, Rob Halford/Dio, Bruce Dickinson, Michael Kiske, Tony Martin

  19. #1 Layne Staley
    #2 Layne Staley
    #3 Layne Staley
    #4 Layne Staley
    #5 Layne Staley

  20. I fucking love you for using Rime as the maiden song example.

  21. Chuck Billy should've been on this list. His voice was montrous in their first four albums especially The New Order.

  22. No one mentions Warrel Dane 😐

  23. I'm going Dickinson as my number 1. No hurt nor hate to anyone else. They all have legendary place.

    Dio is number 2

  24. DIO, Rob Halford, Chris Cornell, Layne Stanley, Serj and Chino Moreno

  25. When it comes to female vocalists I would say:
    Normal singing: Floor Jensen
    Harsh vocals: Angela Gossow
    both traids: Tatiana Shmailyuk

  26. Rob Halford is the Metal God!!!! 🤘

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