1. This video should be watched by the FBI.
    Justin was exposed to so many things that he was not supposed to see, to live because the age that he had at those times.
    But… Why Justin never called the police if he was feeling uncomfortable being with Daddy ?

  2. wow as a kid I did not understand, but now, poor guy he was probably getting s*** abused the whole time, they were taking advantage of him and he was so young that he probably was scared to do anything against them or to tell anybody about that.. that's crazy.. 🙁

  3. People making it about Diddy as if Justin wasnt the most hated guy at one point on Kim Jung Un level & chased around everywhere no privacy, battling anxiety, poppin pills ect shi has nothing to do with that POS he’s somewhat involved but it ain’t about him more about industry as a whole

  4. Как эта глупая обезьяна посмела тянуть руки к Джастину вот почему он со временем стал таким мрачным… За такие вещи только высшая мера…

  5. O mundo todo. As pessoas boas e empatas, se sensibilizaram com sua história. Vc representa todas que foram vítimas desse verme Diddy.
    Tmb fui abusada na infância. Sei como isso nos deixa mal por longos anos.
    Sobrevivemos. Sintam-se abraçados.

  6. ジャスティンが立ち向かおうとしてくれた事に心から感謝と敬意を。

  7. Things crazy alright. Respect to Justin for surviving. Speak up so it changes the future for others to never have to be taken advantage in such a evil way. No shame, only respect for being brave to speak out.

  8. Jaden também foi outro que teve sua inocência roubada pelo pai e outros que o abusaram com consentimento dos pais , isso é nojento demais, não acho que essas pessoas abusadas conseguem esquecer isso pois é uma violência tão grande que passa da matéria e chega a machucar a alma , se só de ver essas cenas já dá um aperto no coração em saber que ele e outros adolescentes passaram e passam por isso nas garras de seres sem escrúpulos .

  9. The bones of young children came out of P.diddy's house, it's still good, justin bieber is not among them, my god, even after diddy's motherfucker abused him, he stayed with him for 48 hour.Then if you see the condition of justin bieber who gave him a car, what right does he have the right to do that, may god punish him What right do you have to touch him?

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