Mandy Moore – Candy (Video)


  1. Looking at you, I feel like I see my young sister. You are the same age as my young sister. The difference is: my young sister is shy but in 1993 won the favorite cover girl award for GADIS magazine.

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  3. Actually, this is like an exaggerated, but accurate representation of the street I grew up on. There were about a half dozen families with kids, all the same age range, all in the same school. This is what our summer holidays looked like, right down to the ice cream truck. The whole gang of us played in the street all summer, and around supper time, you would hear a parent call their kids in to come eat. After dinner, we would be right back outside until the streetlights came on. One of the dads built a treehouse in their backyard and it soon became our clubhouse. My childhood was wonderful ❤️

  4. The best thing about Mandy is that her family unit was strong, secure and Christian. She only recorded 3 albums with Sony Music and kept her virtue intact. She never cussed, wore ripped jeans or leather or sexually gyrated in her music. Now she records folk, country and blue grass music about family life. Well done, Mandy.

  5. Lo crean o no, asi soliamos conseguir nuestras nivias/os esposas/os. Coqueteando en un resto, en el bus, en la biblioteca o directamente en la calle. Nada de tinder y esas pabadas. Eramos tan felices

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