1. I am downloading this illegally and will play it at max volume through my computer!. Very well made stuff indeed!. I also STILL heard this Groovy Shit in my head as i was out on my Electric "Scooter" in order to buy some more Beer. And Yes They say : "Don't Drink AND Drive", but i would NEVER. I drink Before and after i Drive as i like to have both my hands on the handlebars. Also i got hard hearing this music in my head, so i had to focus on like Hitler to not "Stick out" among the other "Muppets"(God help them) . But it subsided and i am at home now. But nature calls so what should one do really. I also helped 4 snails + 2 slugs to cross the sidewalk while on my way home, But people does not seem to get me at ALL. They just stare and look, and stare and look. I mean, How HARD can it be to understand that i simply helped these slow friends of mine to cross the road as they are way too slow for their own good. Quite obvious actually 🐌⬆↗⬇🔃🔄🔙🔙🏴☠🤕🤗😇🥰😘😘🤫 😂

  2. Exactly what I was looking for. Actually this just showed up in my suggested music and I’m overjoyed. Whenever I need to leave reality, this will be my go-to music video. I loathe reality and will be here frequently. Reminds me of the glory days of the 70s, good parties, great drugs.

  3. Great sound thank you for the music big hugs from Lisbon Portugal the land of the boom festival the besth in the world in trance music
    Say no to the drugs
    The music is my drugs
    My friend is the recordist of the Guinness in trance music the nick name is otiram

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