1. A lot of people have been asking how they can help. Here's what I've seen from today (October 1st):

    I think the area is starting to get saturated with very legitimate help. I'm not sure how many more hands on deck are needed but I could be wrong. Water is the obvious thing needed since water systems have been compromised/contaminated so if you can find a reputable organization to donate to for water and food, that's a good idea. I was in Swannanoa this morning – they were hit HARD. The river swept through there killing people, reducing homes to rubble, and destroying businesses. I saw random people there just setting up tents with water, food, coffee, snacks. I think that's a great idea as people are in clean up mode, exhausted, sad and they need these things – they can't get these items anyway because maybe their car was crushed, their road is washed out, power is out so grocery stores are closed, etc. People need fuel for their generators (lines are hours long at the stations that are open).

    There are communities stuck on top of mountains due to their only line of access being completely destroyed with no hope of it being fixed anytime soon. They're requiring air drops and rescues and these guys seem to be doing a good job if you'd like to donate – Aerial Recovery Group (links below).

    I hiked about 6 miles into Bat Cave today heading towards Chimney Rock. I'm not sure what they need because it's gone but like everywhere, they need food, water, gas. I'm hopeful that this whole community evacuated as there is just zero access to Chimney Rock/Lake Lure from the NW anymore. Downstream to Chimney Rock and Lake Lure, it's just a mess. I haven't physically seen it because I couldn't get there but I've seen videos. The clean up is going to be enormous. I do know that helicopters are heavily flying here due to no access so once again, Aerial Recovery and other organizations actively flying there need help (they're actually flying to MANY mountaintops within a couple hours).

    Wellness checks in the region are a good idea. A friend sent me https://www.unitedway.org/ as a way to sign up to do wellness checks if you're local. I'm not sure how that organization works but it's an idea. You can also look in forums and see people asking about specific addresses.

    Crazy thing is, this is just a few communities. Asheville, Hendersonville, Burnsville, this whole region, needs assistance. People are coming to help in big ways now, though. I met a group down in the river today from Myrtle Beach, a search and rescue team. I talked with some Cajun Navy people on side by sides today. The more the merrier.

    Aerial Recovery Group:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aerialrecoverygroup?igsh=MTM2eGY1bXFxcnh6Ng==

  2. Many of these scenes remind me of similar damage in the Virginia mountain communities caused by Hurricane Camille in 1969. My grandparents lived on property high and flat — no damage. My great uncle and aunt lived close to the river and lost everything except for their lives.

  3. The Montana Republican platform clearly states their intent to move federal hands to state hands, which is the first step towards prioritization. This is what happened in south and north Dakota ,look at a map and you’ll see that they have very little public lands left. protect our public lands and vote Democrat. John Tester is not going to take your guns.

  4. If you really think Man could ever conquer Nature, you are sorely mistaken. One look at the amount of devastation here should convince you Nature is wholly in charge

  5. No offense but a lot of this could’ve been avoided if flood plain rules existed and/or were followed. Seeing all these houses and structures that were built essentially right on top of creeks, streams, and rivers…I’m not sure what people expected to happen…

  6. i’m driving up from florida to visit my daughters .do you guys need anything? anything at all i can fill my truck .just want to help and watching all this just is heart breaking.

  7. Thank you for reporting this to all of us… the MSM refuses to report on this and all out tax dollars and help was sent to Ukraine thanks to Biden / Harris

  8. Thank you for reporting the true situation there. Not much news here in Albuq., NM about the destruction in NC. I subscribed to your channel to get the truth. Stay strong and God Bless you and all the people in the affected areas. So heartbreaking.

  9. On this-date, October 3rd 2024: – I know there's a guy (for about the 500th-time), ON A BEACH in a little-place called DELAWARE; – But, HAS America STILL GOT an ACTUAL 'PRESIDENT'?

  10. We were fortunate enough to only lose power for a few days. Thank you for all the hard work you are putting into this. You and those around you helping are nothing short of amazing.

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